Saturday, October 31, 2009

Middle school Salem

omgggggg....5th grade seemed so long ago! (: i went to the school dance at salem with all my friends from last year and from the year before that and all my new friends this year. we danced like crazyyy, middle school is something wat i though it was and tonight is halloween im being a 80's prom gueen woot!! cya soon ms. E, LB in your class this year says she loves you, i did 2!!!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ok, Lets do Something Here...

Ok, so now as most people are beginning to realize that this becoming less of our "old rr blog" and more of our Ms.E 5th grade reunion blog. Ms.E and the new 5th grade class have a brand new fresh one, and are not really using this one anymore, so instead, I will be making A NEW Ms.E 2008-2009 5th grade blog just to talk to the old class about whats on your mind. Please comment on this post if you will want to post on the new blog, I am still working on it now, but when it is finished I will edit this post/make a new one. In the following comment you do not have to save your email, just if you want to be a writer on the new blog. Everyone who doesn't comment, wont be able to be able to post on the new blog because they are probably not active/still watching the blog. So please comment if you want to write on the new blog and I will alert you when its done!

 Ok, the site is up and I will continue to update it and make it better, here it is


The story of a crazy ride on a bus home

One day when we had our old bus driver, there was heavy rain making it humid on the bus. Then the bus driver just went crazy bird and turned around right in front of a bus stop, and started going back to salem. Everyone was screaming, and a few 7th. grade and 8th. grade girls were crying in fear. Everyone was calling their parents. At one point, 6 parents started to chase the bus. One lady pulled in front of the bus and stoped and got out, blocking the lane. Our busdriver just went on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD to pass her. In the end when we were at Salem we got off the bus and waited in the cafitiria for our parents to pick us up. I hear that when the we were of the driver cussed out our principle. Luckily she got fired. Me Ben and all of the kids on that day will always remember that story.
From ETS
BTW: This was in the first quarter of 6th. grade.

Band class

So far my favorite class is band class, even though as a trumpet player I got to do notes so high it hurts. The thing that I like about it though is we get to play in assemblies and have a reserved seat so you don't have to fend for yourself. I always when I am in the middle of a large assesment I just say to myself, just wait till band class, you will have fun there.

Drama Class Tounge Twisters

Hey guys

sorry about the big font but anyway, im now in drama class and we did some tounge twisters that id like to share will all of you. Make sure you say it three times.

1.) What noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster most? a noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster most.

2.) Sixish, Sixish, Sixish

3.) Irish Wristwatch

4.) Cows graves on grass in grooves in groves.

5.) If one doctor doctors another doctor, does that doctor who doctors doctors doctor the doctor like he doctors other doctors?

6.) Imagine an imaginary manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.

I forgot the rest to number six but just the first sentence is hard so ill keep it at that.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Ms.English I miss you alot. For the first quarter I got the all A honor roll. My language arts teacher is pregenant and her baby is due today (Sep. 4 our track out day). LB said that you will be around during track out I'll do my best to try and visit you. You were the best teacher I have ever had so far. RM, LB, and MH told me you were so much fun. I'll see you soon


Monday, August 24, 2009

I MISS YOU :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Oh my gosh I was just working on this volcano-project-thing and I went to talk to Ben and he was like Im reading Ms.English's blog and Im like OH yeah! SO I went on and now Im reading everything and Im like crying and I'm writing way to many run-on sentences and I'm crying oh wait I already said that I MISS YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! I miss science and reading and math and the walls and the door and the windows and the board and I could keep going and going and going.......... but I have to go eat dinner. Luv all of yall!

P.S.-I even miss the homework (it wasn't even half as much as I have now!)!

Friday, June 19, 2009


Dear ms english,

my fish died and now i only have the snails. Would they be able to live in soil/my backyard?

hope u can answer :)


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


dear ms. english
i miss you sooo much i forgot my ecosystem..and i have been trying to find time to come get it, is it too late?? oh and also im not kidding you were a great teacher you never screamed you were laways happy unless you were having a strange dayy...i will come and visit!!!

who misses her 5th grade familyy:(

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


hey ms.e,

how has your track-out been? i just got back home from Orlando.
blog me back soon!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ms. English

Dear Ms. English
Right now as I'm typing this i feel tears coming down my face but I have to say 5th grade is my favorite year the only part I hat is the end:(. It's like leaving your family! You've been with them so long and then you have to leave. You are the best teacher I have ever had and I have gotten along with so many people in our class and I will visit! (I just don't know when I can) I have to say I am actually kind of mad I have to leave but sadly I have to. I really miss you Ms. English and I hope you will always remember us!
2008-2009 student,
P.S I hope this blog will last!

5th Grade Celebration

Dear Class,

I hope this blog keeps going because this is probably one of the ways we can get in touch with eachother. Although i have most of the class on my contact list (email) so thats pretty cool.
I hope next years class was as great as ours.


P.S. LM I agree it was pretty emotional

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dear Ms. E,

What's your E-mail?

:) :)
Dear Ms. English,

I miss you soooo much already, and I just got back from the celebration. I wish you could be one of my teachers in Salem Middle. Blog me back soon!


:) ;) wink

P.S when you got up on stage to do your speech, I about started to cry. Right off the bat I could say, not just because your my teacher, but really you are the best teacher I've ever had. I could not of asked for a better teacher. We all love you so much, and will miss you very much!

Monday, June 1, 2009

dairy of a wimpy kid

dear class,
i am reading a book called dairy of wimpy kid book 1. i love this book beacause the genre is humor and that is my favorite. it is about this kid named greg and he is an average boy who doesn't like school. and his friend named rolly loves video games.

by: TH


Haunted Teachers

Dear class,
     I have recently finished a book called Haunted Teachers by Allen Zullo. In the book, the 7 stories are spine chilling because the stories had such a vivid description of the haunting. I was soon reading it non-stop, unaware of  my surroundings. They some times said it in a way that scared me. But they all ended in a way that would satisfy the reader.
    The book itself is pretty short and took me half an hour. The stories are of nice teachers and evil teacheers and of ghosts angered by the teachers. The book reminded me of a book about ghosts in the country.

Hurt go happy

Dear class,
I started a new book because the book "eight cousins" got boring. I am now reading "Hurt go happy". its about a girl that is deaf but can hear loud noises like lawn mowers.
I'm predicting that the girl will find a freind, she's hurt then she is happy; hurt go happy.
I haven't gotten really far in the book but so far it's great. I encourage the class to read this wonderful book.

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,
As the story ends Charlotte is not guilty but I won't tell who did do the murder. And if you would like to check out the book the author is Avi. The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle is a great book. It has alot of action going on in it. Like when Charlotte is about to die.

Charlotte also reminds me of a best friend of mine back in Texas. She wasn't as brave as Charlotte but she was really brave. One time when me and my friends were hiking in the woods together she slipped and fell in the water. And she didn't cry.

Charlotte Doyle is a very brave girl. Especially since she is the only girl on the ship. Te author AVI has also put in a lot of suspense in the book that really makes you want to keep on reading. Hope you guys check out the book!


Dear class,

I am still reading deeper. Right now Sarah has asked questions to wills mom and she was caught on a surveillance camera. She is trying to get away from the cops so she runs underground. during the interview Sarah was doing death threats.

I would be scared if i was wills mom cause Sarah is giving her death threats. I wounder if Sarah will meet will, cal, and Chester. i think the police will come but find no trace of Sarah. My sister sometimes steals some candy then runs upstairs and hides it so nobody No's.

ben :)

no more dead dogs

This book is about a football player who has to be around the cast of a play named old shep my pal. hHe keeps giving  ideas for the play and it turns out really is a good book and the entire time the girl who is mean to him turns out that he dates is a good story that you should read.


The Kid Who Became President

Dear Class,
       I am reading, The Kid Who Became President by Dan Gutman. It is by a boy named Judson Moon who is the first kid ever, to be president. The story takes the reader through the first year in Judson's eyes of being president. He starts out the presidency with a high approval rating, and everyone seems to like him. Then the economy turned bad, and Judson didn't know how to fix it. His approval rating sunk to 15% of americans. Then, for some reason, at the end of his first year, his approval rating sky-rockets to the highest rating, ever, of a president. Sadly, he then decides to retire, after his first year.

    I am very interested in this book, it makes me think about being President differently, because it puts the presidency in a kids perspective, which I highly relate to. I was thinking about this book and I was wondering, what if a kid could really be a president? The law says we cant because, we are to young and we dont know about polotics or america than adults. I was thinking, what if there was a kid who did know about polotics and america? What if he would be a better president than most people? America still wouldn't let him become president, because he is a kid. Wouldn't that be a stereotype?

     This book is very interesting, it gives me a good understanding about what the presidency really looks like. I now, have a whole different view on what it is like to be president. I am thinking, what would it really be like if a kid were president? Would America be doing good, bad, or what? I still think that there should be a test, or servey that the kid who wants to president can take, and if they pass it, they can run for president.


Haunted Animals

Dear class,

I am reading Haunted Animals by Allan Zullo. In the book so far I am on on the chapter Twister's Farewell and in the chapter you would think at first when the twister hit the town the dog would be dead but he survived and thats where he got the name twister. But later on they are walking across the road and Tracy was carrying him a car hit Tracy and Twister fell on the ground and lay sprawled across the road. When Tracy is taken to the hospital Twisters ghost visits Tracy on the excact time he dies.

I am like Tracy because I care about my dogs and I don't want them to die like twister did.

J.T goodbye ms.english D:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Smiles to Go

Hey class,

For a while I was reading this book called "Smiles to Go" , and it is about this 7th grader who is basically telling a story about what his life is like being a middle school kid, having a annoying little sister, first "kiss", science geek, chess freak, pepperoni pizza eater, having a daredevil friend, in a disappearing universe. I think to understand this, you would have to read it, but it was still a really good book. It gets you thinking about enjoying life as you have it, and enjoy it while it lasts. Sorry this was a short response!

LM :)

A Murder for Her Majesty

Dear class,
      I'm in the middle of a book called A Murder for Her Majesty. This book is a action packed story about a girl named Alice Tuckfield. In the story her father's "friends" murder him while alice is in a tree above them. They are trying to hunt Alice down and kill her. Later on she finds herself on the streets of York where she meets the other main characters, Geoffrey Fisher, Nathanial Denhem, Randal, Orlando, Morris, and their house master, Dame Agnes. All the boys help her from being detected by the murderers of her father. Right now she has just been accepted into their choir and found out that the assistant dean is the master mind behind it all. Thats all I have to write about for now.

George's Marvelous Medicine

Hello Class,

I am reading a book called George's Marvelous Medicine and it's A kid named George. His Grandma is a mean old lady that is very short. She's like that when there is no parent around to see her be that way. By the way she has this medicine that should help her be nice but it doesn't work at all. George is sick of her so hes going to make a new medicine for her. He goes around the house and finds anything that he can put in, face cream, hair remover, toothpaste. shampoo, lipstick, mustard powder, curry powder, dog pills, paint, etc. Cooking it up until it's bubbling then it done. Giving it to his grandma in her medicine bottle she was on fire and she grew and grew and grew until she was as tall as the ceiling but it didn't help her, she was still mean.

Wow that would be awesome to grow that high and you can see everything if your that high. You could be rich and sell that medicine for millions of dollars and if you do it on food it would end world hunger you could be millionare!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


There is a boy named david and his mom has fallen down the stairs and died. His grandmother is now living with davids dad to make him feel more comfortable. He goes with his grandmother on a easter egg egg hunt. He thinks he finds a daed body but its his going to be new friend. that is all I got up to this week.

Mary Anne saves the day

Hey Class,

I am reading a book called " Mary Anne saves the Day" it is in the babysitters Club series but in this one Mary Anne stands up for herself and tells the rest of the club to stop pushing her around and telling her what to do. So just because of that they every one got in a big fight with words but they weren't just mad at Marry Anne they were also mad at each other. And nobody knows what is go ing to happen to the club.

Sincerly, L.T


Dear Class,

I am reading the 4th book in the series Diary of a Wimpy Kid. This book starts out with the main character (Greg) helping his family members stick to their New Year resolutions.

His Mom: to go to the gym more.

His Dad: to stop eating junk food.

Rodrick (big brother): to stop bullying Greg (Greg’s idea.)

Manny (little brother): to stop using his pacifier.

Greg gave up on helping his family with their resolutions real easily. I wonder why Greg even tried helping his family with their New Year’s resolutions.

Now Greg wants to build a time capsule. His best friend, Rowley, put most of his Christmas presents in the time capsule to show the people that open it in the future how “cool” his stuff was. Greg didn’t want to put his presents in there because they were not “cool” enough. On the box he used for the time capsule, he put a note saying that the money he had out in it was to be returned to him, and then he added not to open until they had invented a time machine.

My connection to Greg helping his family with something is my sister and I helping each other with soccer but normally it works out. I predict that no one will find Greg’s time capsule.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Song of the Sparrow

Hi i'm reading Song of the Sparrow. It's a book about a girl named Elena. She lives in a war camp and is the only girl there. She lost her mother as a child. Elena learns to be a healer and meands the solders cloths and wounds. The love of her life adors her to.

Elena is alot like me, we are bolth town boys. Not that intrested in our clothes eather. She is strong and will ing. But she sences, a change coming to their camp out. Weather it,s good or bad you will have to wait and see.

Got to fly,


Dear class,

I am now reading deeper by Roderick Gordan and Brian Williams. It is the sequel to tunnels.

So far Will, Chester and Cal are on a train riding underground seeing magical views, going threw water falls, and hitting bumps. They are trying to get down to the town below to see if wills father is there. He has been missing for weeks!

I don't think they are going to find wills father because there is another book after deeper. I wounder if something bad happens in the under ground town to lead to were Will's father is. I could see the train going threw the waterfall and everybody getting soaked. I would not want to go underground because if the rocks fall they could hurt/kill you. This book starts were the other book left off. i would recommend this book to people who like adventure and action

from B.C :)

My reading responce

Hello class! I am reading a book about world war two. It tells about facts, weapons and strategy of the armies fighting like the Axis (Nazis, Italy, Austria, japan, etc) and the Allies (United states, China, England, etc, etc).

GO USA!!! :)
Boo nazi :(

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The last olympian

Dear Class,

My book is about a kid named percy and he is a half-blood now it is his 5th and finally year in camp half-blood. he and camp members all have to get and fight the kronos amy. but they dont have the ares cabin to help and they are the sons and daugthers of ares ( god of war ) it is going to be hard to defending olypose.They dont have any gods to help them anymore. They are all in there own battle to fight a monster. They have to fight the amy and desroy kronos before he does not need luke's body anymore as a body and be unstopable even for gods.

This one of my favorite book i've ever read and i hope if you ever read it you will like it to!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's Been a While!

Hi Kids!

I know it's been a while since I've posted any comments, but please don't think it's because I haven't been reading! I've been reading your posts . . . just need to find time to respond to them! I promise to get completely caught up this weekend! :)

Goosebumps Horrorland: Who's Your Mummy?

Dear class,
I am reading Goosebumps Horrorland: Who's Your Mummy? by R.L Stine. In the book so far Abby Martin and Peter are warned not to go near their Uncle's house because of the mummys at night but thats not all they should be worried about their uncle more than the mummies when they find out that their uncle isn't their uncle.

I think i am more like Abby and Peter because i am always curios about what goes on.

Thank you for your time.


Are we allowed to publish posts that aren't our reading response?

Eight Cousins

Dear class,
I didn't get to finish "A stranger came ashore" because it was from the library and i had to return it. So now im reading the book "Eight cousins." Its about this child named rose and she lives with her aunts in a big house becasue her mother and father died and i dont know how they died yet. I just started the book and so far its really good. One of the servants for the aunts were in the kitchen cleaning it when Rose came in because she heard and noise and right now the servant and Rose are talking and there conversation is very confusing!!

I'm predicting that Rose's eight cousins will come and visit and it will be hard for her becasue there all boys!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,
I have finished the book. And it was and amazing book from start to finish. It was basically about Charlotte's adventure on a ship called the Seahawk. And Charlotte is accused of murdering the first mate Hollybrass by Captain Jagery. And the dirk that was stabbed in Hollybrass's back was Charlottes dirk. Except she know that she didn't murder Hollybrass. And it all ends up that Charlotte is innocent. Read the book and then you can actually find out who murdered Hollybrass

I can some what connect to this book, because I have heard of the Titanic and the two boys on the Titanic story where they got themselfs into trouble for playing around and throwing ice everywhere when the Titanic was close to hitting the iceburg.

Hope you guys will check out "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle", because it is a great book with lots of suspense. And the author is Avi.

A Stranger Came Ashore

Dear class,
I am taking a break from the shadow children seris and now reading "A Stranger Came Ashore." The storys about a family and they live near a stream and a man named Finn Learson come's along and claims that he survied a shipwreak during a bad storm. Old da and the family let Finn Learson stay at there house and live with them, and in return Finn Learson gives them a rare gold coin.
Later on in the story Old da dies of old age and right before he died he told Robbie his youngest grandson not to trust Finn Learson. At Old Da's grave the family has a tradition of laying the dead body on a straw bed and burn the bed and a foot print shows after the flames die out and the foot print tells which member of the fmaily is next to die. The foot print is Elspeth's, she's Robbie's older sister. Elspeth is very upset!
Robbie is trying too figure out why old da said not to trust finn learson, he just cant put it all together. But then robbie goes in the boat like he and old da did ever year to go sail out into the goe and count the slekies. selkies are like seals and Robbie always dreamed of picking up a selkie pup to see what a slekie feels like. When Robbie arived he picked up a selkie and it felt warm and soft. Robbie sails away to the other part of the goe. Robbie stands up in the boat and trys to count the toher slekie pups. He falls out of the boat and into the deap water but doesn't know how to swim. Robbie see's a person, its finn learson! Finn Learson dives into the deap water and pulls Robbie to the boat. Then they sail back home and Robbie tells Nicol, Elspeths boyfreind everything that happened and how Finn Leason felt like a selkie.

Im predicing Finn Learson is a selkie!!



I am still reading the Bearwalker. It gets scary the closer you get to the ending. so far they think that Mr.Mack is the bearwalker because his teeth are starting to get sharper. And every time you see him he is coming out of the woods. Baron and Mr. Wilbur are getting very suspicious about him but nobody believes what they say. And they are all in trouble because they are in the woods with Mr. Mack. I really can't want until I can get to the end of this book. I do think that this Mr. Mack guy is a little not normal It feels like they need to start listening to Baron and Mr. Wilbur.


The Mysterious Benedict Society

Dear Class,

I have been reading the book The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. It is about 4 kids that go on an adventure to an island. But before that they must past tests. For Reynie, the main character, all but one of these tests were easy from the start. The first test was just like a regular test with some odd questions. For example, one of the questions was Are you brave? Reynie answered probably the best answer: I hope so. The second test was the one he had trouble on. Nobody knew it, but it was a puzzle. The quesetions were impossible! But then he figured out the question 21 was the answer to #1, 22 to #2, and so on. He finished the test just as the "teacher" (Reynie thought she looked just like a pencil with her yllow pants, yellow shirt, red hair and pink shoes) said "Stop, the test taking period is now over." Reynie was the only one who passed.

So then Reynie got to go on a secret mission. Mr.Beneict was his "master" and told him what to do. There were 3 other kids on his team, Contance, Sticky, and Kate. They went to an island to defeat the evil man, who was broadcasting thoughts into people's head so they would obey him. They also have to defeat men who use office supplies as weapons!

I recomend this book if you enjoy mystery. It is officially my favorite book for sure!


Who Stole Halloween

Dear Class,

This week I have been reading a book called Who stole Halloween by Martha Freeman. If you have read my prior posts, you would know that in this book is about a boy and his friends are trying to find a missing cat. They found a flyer on a tombstone that said missing cat and they went to the owner’s house to find more information. Now they have found clues like cat food and a reciept on the road that looked like it was going to one of the suspect’s house.

"I wonder if the cat napper is going to steal Laua next?" and “Is the cat napper a girl or a boy?" One way I compare to Alex is that I once had a cat with stripes and he does.I also love solving mysteries just like him. I predict that when they find out who the cat napper is they will see that that person had been standing right under their nose the whole time and they didn't even notice.


Sunday, May 17, 2009


Dear class,

I have been reading this blog, like, every single post. I have also read through the comments. One question I have is, why isnt anybody commenting anymore? Whats the fun of blogging if no body comments? It doesnt mean that your blog is bad, but it means no one is reading it.

I just wanted to let everyone know that its alot more fun to blog when there is comments

Thank you


P.S sorry its short its just that i didnt have much to say about the blog

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Babysitters Club

I am now reading the book Baby Sitters Club by Raina Telgemeir. This book is about a group of girls who baby-sit other kids. There names are Kristy (the leader) Claudia ( the organizer) Mary Anne( the one who works with the phone) and a new comer Stacy. Stacy has Diabetes and has a doctors appointment almost every day. She hates having diabetes because that is the whole reason she moved. It all started when in New york her hometown. She and Liane (her best friend) always went to the ice cream shop to get ice cream and all these other kind of sweets! Later Stacey feels really sick and she had to go to the emergency room! Stacey figured out that she had diabetes, and after that she got ALL the attention and after that day Liane never talked to Stacy. Stacy's mom told her it would best for her if she make a fresh new start and move to Stoneybrook Connecticut. That is how Stacy ends up in the BSC. This book is really interesting because it is a comic kind of book and it is just awesome to get to see the pictures so that you can get a visualization of the book more better

Connection: When I was babysitting my baby cousin over his house he was a really big pain but I didnt really want to tell him because he would begin to cry and that made him even more annoying!

Reaction: My reaction while I was reading this book was surprised that a Friend would be so jealous of there best friend

Opinion: In my opinion I think Stacy is way too laid back and she doesn't really talk that much

Prediction: I predict that Stacy's friends will figure out her secret sooner or later and get mad that she didn't tell them

Question: Why is Stacy always so depressed so much now?


Thursday, May 14, 2009


I am reading the Bearwalker by Joseph Bruchac. I have red a lot of his books like The Whisper In The Dark. This book is about a boy named Baron and he is on a camping trip with his classes. he is in 8th grade. he is short for his age and both of his parents are in the army. He likes bears because that is his native groups symbol. his native group is the mohawks. And there is this guy Mr. Mack. I think he is the bearwalker because he does not act like a normal person. he is big and says mean thing to scare the kids. the thing is that Mr Wilbur(baron's teacher) thinks there is something wrong. this book is getting really scary. most of the people that work at this camp are like they are not normal at all. this book is the best book i have ever read. this reminds me of this movie i watch that the boy was human form but really a wolf. then he would kill all the peple that was mean to him.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Among the Imposters

Hey! I finised Among The Hidden and started, Among the Imposters! You won't believe this, but i bought the book yesterday, and finished it yesterday night! If you want the exact time, it took me 4 hours to read. Funny.
Luke goes to school an there are mean boys there. But he finally finds a door to the outside and he enjoys himeself and makes a garden and somehow other boys seem to have desrtoyed it. He finds out he isn't the only Shadow Child in the school. He meets six others. One night, Jason, (a shadow child) Is talking to the population police and he is telling them all the names of the Shadow Children. Luke didnt confess he was one yet, but others did. The population police, (Jens dad and a friend of his) Come in with Jasons hands behind his back. HE got turned in. It turns out he was ordered from the government to pretend he was a shadow child and turn in all other shadow children he knew. Jens Dad turns in Jason instead, and all the others are safe..........for now.
I liked this book. It was really interesting. Thats probably why I finished it so fast. It was like a mystery, an adventure all combined!



Among the Hidden

Sorry, I forgot to do one last week. So here it is. (I will do another for this week also). The book I read was called, Among the Hidden. Where the Garner family lives, three chlidren are illegal. Luke is a third child. They call thoughs Shadow Children. He meets another third child in the next house named Jen. They become great friends. Jen planned a rally with thousands of other shadow children so that they were free. (if u DO NOT wnat to know the ending, don't read this next sentence) The rally doesn't work and the president killed every single child there. Luke knew she was going but he was scared to go and he didn't know how it went so he went nextdoor to see if she was home yet. He searches but she isn't there. Jens father comes in and asks luke what goin' on and who is he. They talk for awhile and jens dad says"She died". Luke was devistated. HE couldn't believe it. Jens dad is part of the population police so he gave luke a fake identity. So he could go to school. His family was upset, but he did it anyway. His new name, was Lee Grant.
One thing I REALLY disliked about the book was the ending. Why did Jen have to die? Sure, maybe the rally didn't have to work but she didn't have to die!!!!! And when authors do something like that it totally turns me off.

TK :]


Dear class,

I have just started found by Haddix. It is about babies that were on a plane that came out of no were. now they are older,chip and Jillian have been reciving letters that says you are the missing. it has 6 names on it. Now a teacher No's and his family might sew him for a threat.

At parts of the book it gets really boring but ten it gets interesting. I would recommend this book to people who like mystery's because they are trying to find out who other really belong to. I predict the f.b.i will get involved in this investigation because they solve crimes sceans even tho this is not a crime.

By: B.C

My reading responce

Dear class,
Im reading a book called "Warriors: The new prophosey: Twilight". Im at a very frieky part. Okay, well Leafpool, the Thuderclan She-Medicine cat, and a Windclan he-cat Crowfeather liked each other and ran away so they woulden't be found out. One night a badger named midnight comes and says that a large group of about 100 evil badgers will attack the clans. Then, Crowfeather and Leafpool leave to go back home to help their clans. Meanwhile, an hour later Thunderclan thinks it is a normal day, then a ferious growling starts. All of a sudden tons and tons of badgers came into the Thunderclan camp. In 5 seconds the battle really sets in. Tons of fighting and falling back on both sides. Bloody cats and badgers die and the nursery gets attaked. The badgers lay waste to the camp as the younger kits escapethrough the secret exit. Then Leafpool arives home and Crowfeather says he wants to help. They are instantly greeted by the bloody fight.



Dear class,

I am reading a book called Who stole Halloween? by Martha Freeman. This book is about a boy named Alex, his best friend Yasmeen and Alex's orange cat Luau. These friends (and cat) have an unusual hobby. They are detectives and their current case is they are trying to find out why cats in their area are disappearing. They began this case when they were walking around and Luau ran into the St. Bernard's cemetery. They came upon a grave stone that had a LOST flyer in the front. It said that there was a lost cat named Halloween. Next they went to the owners house to ask him some questions. He was grateful that someone was trying to find his cat.

Soon there was a baby shower that you had to wear your Halloween costume to. Alex's mom and dad decided to be a criminal and the police. They were handcuffed together. Uh oh! Alex's dad lost the key. Now they have to finish getting ready for the party handcuffed together. Alex finds all sorts of clues that would be very helpful.

A few questions I have are "Why are Alex and Yasmeen so into detective work?" and "Are the Clues that they found out at the party true?" I predict that they will get very close to finding the answer to their problem then there will be more to their problem that they have to solve.


Among The Impostors

Hey class,
i am almost done with my book. the book has 38 chapters and that is really long but it is worth it. i am in the part when luke look at his garden and then his roomates came in and look all inoncent but the truth is that they did it all along. 1 day they saw luke out in the yard and saw him planting friuts, potatoes and stuff. so they decided to go out when the hall monitor is not looking and try to escape and look at the garden. then, they thought it was unfair that luke get to go out when they are not supposed too and then they just destoryed it when luke was getting some water from the lake that was near by.


Friday, May 8, 2009

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,

Right now I am reading the " The True Confessions of Charolotte Doyle". Right now it is about how Charlotte is on a ship to go to the US. And they hit a storm and someone is murdured with a knife stabbed in his back. And the knife is Chalottes knife so the Captain suspects that Charlotte did it so he puts her in the jail on the ship. Then she is tooken to Trial.

The book kind of reminds me of Judge Judy, because on Judge Judy it is also about a case. And I once saw a judge judy where it was kind of not really like Charlottes.

I can't read on anymore, because it is a book I'm reading kind of for a book talk. Hope you guys check out the book, because it is just full of excitement.

Among the Impostors

hey class,
i am still reading a book called Among the Impostors and it is getting really iteresting now. i really love this book because it has mystery things that i like. now, luke aka lee grant has now hated the lunch food because it is soo hard. so he wanted to plant a garden that grows berries, fruit, and other food he loved back home. so he thought that he wanted to grow potatoes but then he relized that there was no seeds to plant. but luckly he remember that his mom told hinm that you don't need seeds to grow potatoes, you just need to have a raw, hard potatoes to grow that so he just took his lunch food and planted his potatoes. so he waited so it can grow into foods that he wanted. so day after day he saw a disaster, is garden was destoryed he thought that somebody steped on it and that he steped on it.


The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp

I am reading the extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp! Alfred is a fifteen year-old and they are on an adventure of there life's. Right now I am on chapter ten and Alfred and his Uncle Farrell are going to a hotel (where his Uncle Farrell works) and they are trying to find a sword that belongs to a millionaire who's name is Arthur Myers.If they get the sword for Arthur Myers they will get 100,000,000 dollars. Who can miss out on something like that? When they get inside the hotel they have to break a code to open Mr. Samson's desk. Alfred is Alfred and then he gets suspicious. Once Alfred opens the desk he sees a shiny sword that is black with crystals! He grabs the sword and while he is leaving a whole group of Monks come and try to attack him but Alfred gets away! Then Arthur Myers takes the sword and killed the Uncle after that he runs-away. Alfred is all alone so he called the cops and Samson comes in. (the hotel owner) Samson told Alfred how Arthur Myers is not his real name! No one knows his real name. Samson knew him from England and his name was Mogart everyone else calls him Dragon though.

Connection: I have no connection

Reaction: This made me feel kind of creep out because His uncle Farrell died for no apparent reason even though he helped "Mr.Myer"

Opinion: I think his Uncle Farrell should have listened to Alfred because now he is not alive anymore.

Prediction: I predict Alfred will stay with Samson until they find another relative for Alfred

Question: Where is Alfred going to stay since his parents left him and his Uncle died?

Visualization: I have no visualization

among the barons

Dear class,
im almost done with among the barons! Smits parents just died! its soo upsetting. So one of smits and lee/luke's maids are taking smits and luke to somewhere i dont really know where but Luke told the maid to stop the car and smits and luke ran to luke's real parents house and right now there, there.

I feel really bad for smits because his rela brother died and his parents dided too. He has no one left exept for Luke his fake brother. I would feel pretty upset if my brother and parents died and i had no where to go. Im predicting Luke and Smits are going to live with Luke's parents and family, but i will just to wait and see!
Your student/classmate,

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Henry and Beezus by Beverly Cleary

Dear Class,

If you have read my prior blog, you know that Henry needs a way to get all the gum he found home. Finally Beezus lets him borrow her wagon. After they pick up the gum, they walk back to Henry's house to relax while chewing some Cinnamon Gum. As they are relaxing, Robert, Mary Jane and Scooter come and ask for gum. Of course he says no to Scooter but then Scooter lets him ride his bike around the block.

When Henry gets back his dad has driven into the driveway. He asks what all the gum is for and then Henry explains that he found it and that he is going to sell. His father decides that they will call the police to see if someone lost it and if no one claims then Henry would get to keep the gum. Later on they found out that Henry can keep the gum and then everything gets interesting.

The next day at school Henry leaves extra early so he can try to sell some of the gum. This turned out to be a good idea until everyone already had gum and they stopped buying. This made Henry think. He decided to have a sale-> 4 gumballs for a penny. This was working great until the something happened again. This time he decided to have free samples. In this part I predicted that it wouldn't work and my prediction was correct.

A few questions I had were why does he sell the gum for such a low price? Also why does everyone still want the gum even though it is getting him in trouble? In my opinion I think that Henry has lots of troubles for one little boy and I predict that he will get into some more later on.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm reading the 3rd book in the lightning thief for the 2nd time. It is really good, and I love it. the main character, Percy, and his friends, Grover and Annabeth, are trying to save the earth. that might be a lot of pressure... and I'm worried about the EOGs...


Goosebumps Horrorland: My Friends Call Me Monster

Dear Class,
 I am reading Goosebumps Horrorland: My Friends Call Me Monster. It is about a kid named Michael Monroe who has a teacher named Mrs.Hardesty but she is not what she appears to be when Michael and his friends see what Mrs.Hardesty does in her home. They find out that she lays monster eggs and figures out that she is a monster when she eats special eggs that turn her into what she really is.After she spots Michael watching her devour the eggs she makes him eat them and you find out why they call him monster.

I am like Michael because he is always curios about what goes on and thats pretty much what I do. But sometimes whaen it comes to species we are nothing alike.

Thank you for your time.

The Truth About Stacey

Dear Class,
I am reading the series of the 'Baby Sitters Club' books and it is the secondbook the ' Truth About Stacey' its about a girl named Stacey who is apart of the baby sitters club and she loves to baby sitting but her doctor told her some major news about herself she has diabetes . She's still a good baby sitter but a new baby sitters club showed up and stole almost all there customers so now Stacey’s club is trying to think of better idea’s so they can get back there customers . They just can’t seem to win because the other group is older and a lot smarter than them so I wonder what’s going to happen next. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

From LT

Monday, May 4, 2009

miracle on 49th street

Dear class,

sorry i am not finished, i just have not had time. now they are trying to find a way to make this all work out.molly went with josh to NY but she found him talking about how he was faking being nice. to make-up again josh went to molly school basketball game, he did it without telling her.

I like how the book changes moods and were it takes place. i can connect to josh because i need to be in allot of places at once. i recommend this book to anyone who likes sad books. I wounder if molly will end out being with josh and y the title is called miracle on 49Th street.i predict they will play a team on 49Th street. i can't wait yo finish the book.


Saturday, May 2, 2009



Right now in the book Cap has been tackled by the football team and he had went to the hospital and their is rumor going around that Cap is dead. soon Rain come in and pikes him up and said that they are going back home to garland. They went back to rain's sister house to pike up his things and went back home.

At school the rumor was getting worse and the Halloween dance was over cause the eight grade president was dead. instead the had a ceremony to remember the best president they had.

i would hate if my schooled president would die and i think that the football team would get band from playing football anymore cause if the killed someone. i wonder wat it is like in the halloween dance sence it they say it's the best time of the school year.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My reading responce : 5/01/09

Hi class, iv'e been reading set two book 4 Starlight of the warriors series. Warriors is about clans of cats who have their own territory and help their clan. There is Shadowclan, Windclan, Riverclan, and the main character's clan, Thunderclan. The clans in book 3 left their home because twolegs (humans) were destroying the forest. They took a journey an then found the place Star clan (the clan of the dead warriors in the sky) destined the clans to go. The clans in book 4 made it but now they must make new territories and there is a prophesy, before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red from their warrior ansestors starclan. I love warriors because of the fighting and it helps me realize what it is like for wild animals like cats.
Read The warriors series!!! IT ROCK'S FOR BOYS AND GIRLS!!!

Sincerely anonymous
LOL, just kidding!
Sincerely ETS

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Extraordanary Adventure of Alfred Kropp

Dear class,
I have recently finished a book called The Extraordinary Adventure of Alfred Kropp where a 13 year old finds himself in a pinch. His name is, obviously, Alfred Kropp. In the beginning, Alfred's uncle gets a job. He has to get a sword from his boss's office. They manage to steal it and then they meat with their contractor who then kills Alfred's uncle with the sword. It starts to get really weird after wards. It doesn't make sense because like he is caught in this intense fight between a organization made to protect the sword and an organization that's trying to take the sword. What happens is almost everyone that helps Alfred dies. He also happens to be the true heir to Lancelot.
 He actually dies but comes back to life in the end. But his best friends daughter (he also dies) winds up dead because of Alfred. And the weirdest thing happens. He knows how to bring back the dead! He brought back his friends daughter and then he passes out. The next thing that happens is that he finds himself in a hospitalin the next chapter.
So thats my summary of The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp

among the barons

dear class,
Im almost done with my book Among the barons... his fake parents, his fake ID's parents want Luke to go back in hidding, luke doesnt know what to do and the grants and really powerful barons. Luke is thinking about maybe trying to escape and he has just decided that he doesnt have to do anyting the Grants tell him to do.

Im longing to see what new idea Luke will try out this time and how Haddix will put her interesting twist to my predictions. I really wasn't predicting the Grants would want Luke to either follow every comand they think of or go back in hidding. I feel really bad for luke, it reminds me ohf when i have to make hard decisons, i know how it feels.



Dear Class,
I have been reading, (and finished) a book called found. Its about a women named Anglela Dupre and she walks into an unscheduled flight and on every seat sits one baby.
There are two boys, Jonah and Chip who are both adopted. Later on in the book, they realize that the FBI has to do with their adoption.
I dislike the way they ended the book because they just say, welcome to the future, good luck! and thats it. It just leaves you hanging. Good thing its a series.
A question that I have about the book is, what will happen next?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dear Class,

I finally finished "Found", and it was an awesome book! Well, anyway I'm now reading a book that is about this girl who always wears this weird hat that says PIG CITY. She starts a secret club, but this guy she really hates, happened to hear about their club. (She names the club after her hat. FYI) So a mix up "happens", and goes terribly wrong. Now there are TWO secret clubs, and everyone is at the line of being suspended for having a secret club. The two clubs are in a war to revel the other club without getting suspended. So who will win?. . . . . . . . .

P.S. sorry this was such a short response.

The Horse And His Boy

    At home, I am reading The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis. It is about a boy named Shasta and his father who live in a small home on the plains outside of Narnia. Shasta wants one thing, to see what lies north. Nobody in they're villiage has ever gone towards the north or have even wanted to see. Shasta though, has some curiosity, he badly wants to see what is there. One day a Tarkaan or a strong knight, comes by the house, and tries to buy Shasta as a slave. The father and Tarkaan go inside alone and talk, meahnwhile Shasta listens in and finds out that the person who Shasta thought was his father, wasn't! He gets furious and reilizes why is so different, why he is curious. He is from the north. Shasta gets on his horse and leaves, he leaves for the north.

    I am very suprised at this twist! I would have never expected that he wasn't living with his real father! I realize now, why Shasta is so different, he is from a different place, he is from Narnia! I am not suprised that Shasta ran away, someone who was not your father was going to sell you away and even if you didn't, you would have to farm all day, Shasta seems happy that he has an adventure. It would be hard for me to do it though, being as a kid, having to survive on what you find, it would be very hard, but if it meant not being a slave, I would probably go. I think that Shasta will end up having fun in Narnia, hopefully he will find his father, and hopefully he will meet the kings like Peter. I think this is definetily a different life style than normal, but I think Shasta thinks it is a better lifestyle.

Goosebumps Horrorland: The Scream of the Haunted Mask

Dear class,
   I am reading The Scream of the Haunted Mask by R.L Stine. It is about a girl named Carly Beth and her friend Sara are trying to get rid of the haunted mask for good but when Carly Beth went to the place she bought from the store owner told her that "the mask does'nt accept defeat it has to win unless you know somebody who wants it back." And Carly Beth thought she knew who the mask belonged to when they heard about the stable boy.

But she never thought it would be somebody else asking for it back! I am probably like Carly beth because she tries to figure out whats going on but she would never guess who it was if it was right in front of her and thats pretty much what I do when I'm trying to figure out something. I like this book because it give me the chills whenever I read Goosebumps and I like it!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Henry and Beezus by Beverly Creary

Dear Class,

So far Henry has gotten in loads of trouble like I predicted. He bet Scooter, the mean, rude, rich, stuck-up kid the lives at the end of Klickitat Street, that he was going to get a bike that was better than his. OOPS!

Later, while Henry was running some errands for his mom, he found nearly 50 boxes of bubble gum. Each box had about 300 balls of Gum balls. Now he needs to A) find a way to get this gum home and B) have his mom let him sell it. When he got home he asked his mom if he could go to Beezus's house. He was going to borrow her red waggon to carry the gum home. One problem, she has to go with Henry (who doesn't want anyone to see the gum because then they will want some of the gum to sell.)

I predict that Henry will get in trouble. Then he will sell the gum without his mom knowing and get into more trouble. I wonder if Henry will get to the point of selling the gum and if he does, how much will he sell? Also will he get enough money?


Looks Are Everything

       A common phrase is "Looks aren't everything." that is usually true. I was reading a blog called Blogging Tips and they talk about how in the website world, looks are everything. They talk about how when a viewer comes to your website they rate your site in they're mind. Supposedly, looks are everything. How your website is organized, how the header looks, even the colors of your site! Most people rate a website in they're head if they like it or not and they're rating is usually what brings them back or not back to the site.

     I would agree with the statement that "In the website world, looks are everything." It usually tells the viewers if you worked hard into getting your site to look great and to be great. I would partly dissagree though, if the service that the website provides is very original and very useful, that might make my rating higher than normal, and even if the site looks bad, the service could be great.

    I wonder, why would the owner of a website only have a great service and not a great look. Website owners usually have a purpose for creating websites, usually to make something easier. This is the case for this blog, we made it so it is easier for Reading Response Journals, the owner of E-Bay made E-Bay so it is easier to buy and sell items. So if someone creates a service to make it easier to do something, they will probobly want to share it with the public, right? Thats why they also usually create good looks to get more people wanting to come back. So I would say that looks are very important when creating a website, but they usually come with the "having a great service" part too.

Monday, April 27, 2009

miracle on 49th street

I am still reading miracle on 49th street. Now they tried plan dc and it worked. Molly trying to convince josh that they are related, but josh wants a test were they hang out for a bit and get to know eachother.

I don't really think Josh thinks she is his daughter because he acts like she is not even there. I wounder how the test will go because josh might fake it so he does not need to deal with Molly? At some prts of the story is sad and others have a lot of action like when she hides in Josh's car. In my opinion it is a great book because it changes moods all the time sometimes it is mad,sad,and happy

p.s take this quiz if you read the book

Among the Impostors

Hey class,
i am still reading the book among the impostors. where i left off it was about Luke having the note that Mr. Tablot( Jen's father) gave to him when Luke started school. Luke didn't get a chance to read the note because there are a lot of hall monitors. and he had a hard time in school lately, so he thought that the note would be an answer to his problem. so, 1 day he went outside to read the note but first he checked if anyone was looking the he realized that Hendricks school doesn't have any windows. he was glad though. he took the note out of his pocket and it read " blend in". Luke was so furious at that because he thought the note would solve his problem. then it got dark and so, he went into the school and go to bed. he was afraid that his room was locked so he tryed to turn the doorknob and it was easily turn he opened it and all of his roommates were there.

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,

I have started a new book and it is "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" it is about this girl who is going to america from England and is riding a ship called the Seahawk. She is the only girl on the ship and the Captain is Captain Jaggery. She is experiencing lots of difficulty. Such as her room is so small she can barely stand in it.

I can connect to her, because when I went on a cruise I had to share my room with my mom. dad and little sister and there were 4 beds in the room. It was fun but made me feel claustraphobic sometimes.

I haven't got that far in the book yet but still reading it You guys should really check it out. But before I sign off I still wonder why Charlotte is the only girl on the ship?


I am still reading the book uglies by Scott Westerfield. Tally is trying to help Shay make her pretty face on their "computer" but all Shay wants to do is go hover boarding with Tally so and Shay doesn't even want to become a pretty! Right now I am at the part where Shay goes hover boarding with Tally into the suburbs. The problem is that Uglies are only allowed to go to the suburbs once they turn 60. In the suburbs the people living there are old and have children called Littlies. They have a HUGE garden for there Littlies to play in and Shay just loves to get in trouble so she tries to go into the suburbs. Tally knows that hover boards don't work in the suburbs unless you know how to control it VERY well and Shay loves hover boarding but has no idea how to control it. Shay meets up with a very unfriendly looking creature and they have to face a BIG challenge.

Connection: A connection I have with this story is to another book called Drums Girls and dangerous pie. The main character goes on a "journey" with his brother and he has to face a challenge just like Shay and Tally do.

Reaction: When I found out that Shay and Tally got caught I was scared because I did not know what was going to happen next. I was also surprised because Shay usually has a good plan and gets away with things easily but this time they were stuck.

Opinion: In my opinion if I were Shay I would not have tried to go hover boarding into a place that I knew I cant go to. I would have at least tried to hide!!! I think Shay Likes to get in trouble because throughout this book I've noticed that

Prediction: I predict that Shay and tally will be banned from pretty town or any other town and end up in "jail" and since Tally and Shay worked so hard (or at least one of them did) there dreams of becoming a pretty will be ruined

Question: A question I have is how come Shay and Tally never really get along throughout the story anymore? I thought they were best friends but when I was reading I noticed that Shay and tally became almost enemies.
Comment: I think that this is my favorite part of the book because it is unpredictable and shocking. I really want to keep reading! Whenever I read this book I have lots of reactions and one I had the most was surprised!

Frightfuls mountain

Dear class,

Yippy! I'm now reading Frightfulls Mountain. Frightfull is now the new mother of three folcons who's real mother had been killed. The babbies are grownup and firce. Duchas and Lady (the girls) are slowly begining to like the new food Frightfull brings home. Drum ate it without a doubt. Drum is the only boy besids his father, Chup.

I could under stand Frightfulls confusion right away. She was raised by human not falcon so it takes longer for her instink to catch on. But I cannot blame the dad because how would he know Sam hand raised her?!?! The instinks have been coming quicker in my opinion. She just has not quit cought up to a normal femail falcon

Duchess and Lady are more fussy than Drum from my point of view. My new favorite falcon is Drum because he is so low key , calm andd exiting, all in one! He also learns the fastest.That is it sofar!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

The True Confessions of Charolette Doyle

I am reading The True Confessions of Charolette Doyle by Avi for AG. It is about a girl named Charolette who is heading to the USA from England on a ship called the Seahawk. She is very uncomfortable with her small cabin and people who act like pirates. The only thing that motivates her is the captain, Andrew Jaggery. She admires him and says, "You remind me of my father!".

I am very impressed with Charolette, she is going on a 2 month boat ship by herself with people completely opposite of what she is used to. She is used to being treated like a princess in her home in Liverpool, England. It would be very hard for me, I would also be scared because she was givin a dagger. I would've been freaked out if a crew member thought that I would need a dagger, this makes me think that danger is coming and she will have to use it. I predict that once Charolette gets used to the crew and ship, something bad will come, something bad enough to make her have to use her dagger. This is a very entrueging story,


Saturday, April 25, 2009

The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle

I am now reading for AG a book called the true confessions of Charlotte Doyle. It is about a 13 year old girl back then who is heading to the americas on the american ship the Seahawk. Once aboard, she hates it and realizes that the Seahawk is not a place for a girl like her. Where I'm at the crew has started to rebel the captain and 1st. mate. I wonder if everyone will make it to Rhode island in one piece. I love the book and kids in ag are lucky to have it.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Goosebumps Horrorland: Monster Blood for Breakfast

Dear Class,
I am reading Monster Blood for Breakfast by R.L Stine and I chose it because it is like the original goosebumps Monster Blood but better with a special invitation that Matt gets to go to Horrorland and meets up with the other characters that were in the previous book and also got a special invitation.

I am like Matt in the story because alot of the times he does'nt have a good day except when he's playing sports and that is one the things why Matt and I are alike because I am very athletic and competive when it comes to sports but when it comes to looking at what you eat it's a whole lot different.

Matt makes a big mistake because his sister put the monster blood in the wrong bowl.

Thank you for your time                                                    Sincerely,


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Among the barons

Dear ms. E,

im now reading the book Among the Barons. Its the third book in the Shadow children books.The book is by Margret Peterson Haddix, and in my opinion she is a veryy created and talented author. I can never make predictions what i think is going to happen next.

Right now in the book Lee's brother smits is coming to Hendricks school for boys. Luke has the fake ID of Lee Grant since he is a third child and the goverment doesn't allow third children because of the food getting less. Smits is a rich selfish 12 year old. Smits has a boy guard named Oscar who carries a hammer with him, Everyone is scared of Oscar. Lee is at a Hendricks school for boys and his brother come's, Smits grant but Smits knows that Luke is fake becasue smits knows that the real Lee Grant died while skiing. Right now There was a fire in Hendricks school for boys and Mr. Dirk one of the teachers and Luke/Lee got all the students/children out of the buliding because there all scared of the outside and all pretty much are third children that are used to hiding and scared that there going to a dangerous place ever time they leave the indoors. Luke ask's Mr. Hendricks where Smits was, because Smits and his body guard Oscar were not outside of the school during the fire. The princable Mr. Hendricks told Luke that Smits said that Oscar tryed to kill him and Oscar said that Smits started the fire trying to kill him. So there in mr. Hendricks house in seprate rooms.

Im predicting Smits set the fire and tryed to kill Oscar because Smits doesn't like Oscar always around him. But im just going to wait and see what twist Margret Peterson Haddix puts in the book, im so exited! In my opinion Smits is selfish, but deao down inside he's pretty nice. I think the Grants, Smits parents and Lee's parents are not very nice and too rich and greedy to even care about Smit's there own son and Smit's thinks his parents liked Lee better than him before Lee died in the skiing accident, But Luke a third child took Lee's ID so Lke could come out of hiding so Luke is know known as Lee Grant. I feel really bad for third children in this book because they didn't do anything wrong and dont deserve to have to go in hiding and i belive there's nothing wrong with how much food there is in the book's world. Third children should be able to eat and be free like everyone else. So far it's a reallllyyyyyy good book!
Your student,

Thursday, April 23, 2009

the perilous journey

I did finish The Whisper In The Dark. it was the best book even though the girl in this books friend died at the end because he saved her. But this book is good so far this boy in this named Reynie. And he is going to see his 3 friends again. So far he has meet his friend Kate. So it is so weird how he walked all the way to his friend kates house for a day. this is a good book i can not wait to read more.

The Perilous Journey

I am still reading the perilous journey. Now that he has finished all his test he is going on a mission with some new friends . the mission is to get a scroll from this mansion. I think that they will get the scroll. I think this because so far they have completed getting inside the mansion.

from, McCoya

reading response JH

I'm reading kavik the wolf dog. so far, Kavik just got captured by the dog pound. I actually can make a connection, even though I have not ever had my dog go to the pound. the connection is from the movie bolt, in which bolt gets captured but escapes the truck that they keep him in. I wonder how Kavik feels right now. I wonder why he ran away.

James and the giant peach

This story is about a yong boy who has to live with his aunts when a giant peach started growing. Along with the bugs around it soon James found himself being wisked away an adventure. I like the book becuase it is full of adventure i hope you like it to

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Henry and Beezus by Beverly Cleary

Dear Class,

This book has some interesting twists. First Henry wants a bike then he gets into some trouble. He gets stuck in a rose bush and no matter where or how he moves, he gets hurt or stuck in the rose bushes thorns more. While Henry is stuck in the bush, Ribsy is stealing Mr. Grumbie's steak and Ribsy is being chased by Mr. Grumbie. This reminds me of a time when my dog took my sisters hat and my sister chased her all around the house. I could smell the steak that Mr. Grumbie was cooking (it smelt pretty bad, to many seasonings.)

One thing I'm confused about, is Ribsy even going to eat the steak, because before Mrs. Grumbie said that not even a starving hippo would eat that steak. But I think that he will eat it any way.

Now I'm going to tell you the reasons I like this book.

1. It is funny

2. It has some adventure

3. The 2 friends have a problem that the want/have to fix

4. Did I mention that it was funny



Hi Everyone,

I am reading a book called Scooled and it is about a hippie kid named Cap.He has never ate pizza , or heard of a weigie before, and not even watched T.V. before in his whole life. He and his grandmother Rain has been living in Garland forever untill Rain fell off a plum tree when trying to pick plum. Now he has to go to Ms. Donley's house and go to a plubic school for a few weeks untill Rain gets better.

Wow i fell really bad for Cap about how he has to go to a plubic school without his grandmother with him and to help him sence he has been homeschooled for his whole life.I couldn't live without T.V. or pizza in this world, i dont know how he does he do it.