Monday, May 11, 2009

My reading responce

Dear class,
Im reading a book called "Warriors: The new prophosey: Twilight". Im at a very frieky part. Okay, well Leafpool, the Thuderclan She-Medicine cat, and a Windclan he-cat Crowfeather liked each other and ran away so they woulden't be found out. One night a badger named midnight comes and says that a large group of about 100 evil badgers will attack the clans. Then, Crowfeather and Leafpool leave to go back home to help their clans. Meanwhile, an hour later Thunderclan thinks it is a normal day, then a ferious growling starts. All of a sudden tons and tons of badgers came into the Thunderclan camp. In 5 seconds the battle really sets in. Tons of fighting and falling back on both sides. Bloody cats and badgers die and the nursery gets attaked. The badgers lay waste to the camp as the younger kits escapethrough the secret exit. Then Leafpool arives home and Crowfeather says he wants to help. They are instantly greeted by the bloody fight.


1 comment:

Ms. English said...

ETS --

Great summary but please don't forget to include your thoughts about the book! Use CROP QV if you need help!