Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Eight Cousins

Dear class,
I didn't get to finish "A stranger came ashore" because it was from the library and i had to return it. So now im reading the book "Eight cousins." Its about this child named rose and she lives with her aunts in a big house becasue her mother and father died and i dont know how they died yet. I just started the book and so far its really good. One of the servants for the aunts were in the kitchen cleaning it when Rose came in because she heard and noise and right now the servant and Rose are talking and there conversation is very confusing!!

I'm predicting that Rose's eight cousins will come and visit and it will be hard for her becasue there all boys!


1 comment:

Ms. English said...


This sounds like an interesting book. Why is the title "Eight Cousins"? Why did you predict that it would be hard for Rose and that all of her eight cousins would come to join her at her aunts' house?

Is this book part of a series? :)