Monday, May 11, 2009

Among the Imposters

Hey! I finised Among The Hidden and started, Among the Imposters! You won't believe this, but i bought the book yesterday, and finished it yesterday night! If you want the exact time, it took me 4 hours to read. Funny.
Luke goes to school an there are mean boys there. But he finally finds a door to the outside and he enjoys himeself and makes a garden and somehow other boys seem to have desrtoyed it. He finds out he isn't the only Shadow Child in the school. He meets six others. One night, Jason, (a shadow child) Is talking to the population police and he is telling them all the names of the Shadow Children. Luke didnt confess he was one yet, but others did. The population police, (Jens dad and a friend of his) Come in with Jasons hands behind his back. HE got turned in. It turns out he was ordered from the government to pretend he was a shadow child and turn in all other shadow children he knew. Jens Dad turns in Jason instead, and all the others are safe..........for now.
I liked this book. It was really interesting. Thats probably why I finished it so fast. It was like a mystery, an adventure all combined!




Ms. English said...


Thanks for the summary of the book! Why did you like the book so much?

I have a connection to something you wrote in your response. When I find a book I love, it's hard for me to put it down and I read it really quickly, too.


TK said...

I liked it so much becausei like the idea of the book and i dont know what the author does to make me wanna read it so much