Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Goosebumps Horrorland: Who's Your Mummy?

Dear class,
I am reading Goosebumps Horrorland: Who's Your Mummy? by R.L Stine. In the book so far Abby Martin and Peter are warned not to go near their Uncle's house because of the mummys at night but thats not all they should be worried about their uncle more than the mummies when they find out that their uncle isn't their uncle.

I think i am more like Abby and Peter because i am always curios about what goes on.

Thank you for your time.


Ms. English said...


So, if their uncle wasn't their uncle, who or what was he?!? CREEPY!!!

Thanks for giving us a connection between yourself and the characters in the book. Please give a little more detail about your thoughts next time! :)

ETS said...

Cool John. You must be brave to of read goosebumps because it frieks me out!
:) GO USA!!!

John said...

I will try to give thoughts in my next one