Sunday, May 17, 2009


Dear class,

I have been reading this blog, like, every single post. I have also read through the comments. One question I have is, why isnt anybody commenting anymore? Whats the fun of blogging if no body comments? It doesnt mean that your blog is bad, but it means no one is reading it.

I just wanted to let everyone know that its alot more fun to blog when there is comments

Thank you


P.S sorry its short its just that i didnt have much to say about the blog


M.W said...

somtimes people don't have time to post a comment. maybe they don't think that for every blog posted they need to make a comment. It is a good thing you brought it up but still give us a broke.

TK said...

Yay i mean just that comment M.W makes me feel like someone actually reads my post!

Ms. English said...

Hi TK!

Thanks for your input about comments. Actually, part of the blogging assignment is to comment on two-three posts each week. I'll try to make that more clear to my class next year, since we only have one week of school left. :) I'm thinking of starting the school year with the reading response blog next year. What do you think?

TK said...

i think you should because its really fun to type your response and i love reading the comments i think tats everyones favorite part