Monday, April 27, 2009

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,

I have started a new book and it is "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" it is about this girl who is going to america from England and is riding a ship called the Seahawk. She is the only girl on the ship and the Captain is Captain Jaggery. She is experiencing lots of difficulty. Such as her room is so small she can barely stand in it.

I can connect to her, because when I went on a cruise I had to share my room with my mom. dad and little sister and there were 4 beds in the room. It was fun but made me feel claustraphobic sometimes.

I haven't got that far in the book yet but still reading it You guys should really check it out. But before I sign off I still wonder why Charlotte is the only girl on the ship?

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