Friday, May 8, 2009

Among the Impostors

hey class,
i am still reading a book called Among the Impostors and it is getting really iteresting now. i really love this book because it has mystery things that i like. now, luke aka lee grant has now hated the lunch food because it is soo hard. so he wanted to plant a garden that grows berries, fruit, and other food he loved back home. so he thought that he wanted to grow potatoes but then he relized that there was no seeds to plant. but luckly he remember that his mom told hinm that you don't need seeds to grow potatoes, you just need to have a raw, hard potatoes to grow that so he just took his lunch food and planted his potatoes. so he waited so it can grow into foods that he wanted. so day after day he saw a disaster, is garden was destoryed he thought that somebody steped on it and that he steped on it.


1 comment:

Ms. English said...

TH, Please proofread your posts carefully before you publish them.

Who destroyed Lee's garden? Why do you think they did that?

Does Lee live at school? If yes, how do you think you would feel about living at school instead of going home each afternoon? Why do you think you would feel this way?

Happy Reading!