Friday, June 19, 2009


Dear ms english,

my fish died and now i only have the snails. Would they be able to live in soil/my backyard?

hope u can answer :)



Anonymous said...

i dont think so cause remember ms. e told us it would harm an ecosystem

TK said...

yah but the water in my ecocolumn is going away. Its evaporating. And i was wondering if the snails NEEDED the water to survive.

LM said...

but, can't you let all the water evaporate, then take your ecocolumn apart, put more water in it, and call it a day?


TK said...

Thats so funny LM. And i dont know if i can put more water in it because i didnt take of the part that connects the terrarium and aquarium together and the water would just plop and i dont wanna hurt the snails. And i DEFINETLY dont want to freeze them.

Anonymous said...

lol i would be scared and feel sad to freeze them 2 tk haha:)

TK said...

yah i definetly dont wanna freeze them

Ms. English said...

Hi TK!

Sorry it's taken me a long time to read this! Did you end up doing something with your snails?

TK said...

yes i did. Theres this really really tiny pond across the street from me and my dad put them over there. I think they have been doing fine. So i dont need to worry about them anymore.