Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Henry and Beezus by Beverly Creary

Dear Class,

So far Henry has gotten in loads of trouble like I predicted. He bet Scooter, the mean, rude, rich, stuck-up kid the lives at the end of Klickitat Street, that he was going to get a bike that was better than his. OOPS!

Later, while Henry was running some errands for his mom, he found nearly 50 boxes of bubble gum. Each box had about 300 balls of Gum balls. Now he needs to A) find a way to get this gum home and B) have his mom let him sell it. When he got home he asked his mom if he could go to Beezus's house. He was going to borrow her red waggon to carry the gum home. One problem, she has to go with Henry (who doesn't want anyone to see the gum because then they will want some of the gum to sell.)

I predict that Henry will get in trouble. Then he will sell the gum without his mom knowing and get into more trouble. I wonder if Henry will get to the point of selling the gum and if he does, how much will he sell? Also will he get enough money?


1 comment:

Ms. English said...


Do you have any connections to Henry's predicament? :) When I was about your age, I thought I would get rich by selling lemonade at the end of my driveway. We lived on a really busy street so I thought that it would work! I think I sold two cups - and both were to one of my friend's mom! So much for that get rich quick idea! If you do have a connection to Henry's situation, please share it with us! Great questions!