Wednesday, May 27, 2009

George's Marvelous Medicine

Hello Class,

I am reading a book called George's Marvelous Medicine and it's A kid named George. His Grandma is a mean old lady that is very short. She's like that when there is no parent around to see her be that way. By the way she has this medicine that should help her be nice but it doesn't work at all. George is sick of her so hes going to make a new medicine for her. He goes around the house and finds anything that he can put in, face cream, hair remover, toothpaste. shampoo, lipstick, mustard powder, curry powder, dog pills, paint, etc. Cooking it up until it's bubbling then it done. Giving it to his grandma in her medicine bottle she was on fire and she grew and grew and grew until she was as tall as the ceiling but it didn't help her, she was still mean.

Wow that would be awesome to grow that high and you can see everything if your that high. You could be rich and sell that medicine for millions of dollars and if you do it on food it would end world hunger you could be millionare!!!


S.T said...

This seems really funny were did you find it?

S.T :)

Guest Account said...

yeah where? LOL :)

Ms. English said...

Nice job, Mr. AZ! This does sound like a funny book. I can remember wishing I had "nice medicine" for several people when I was growing up. Do you have any connections with George wanting to make someone nice? :) Maybe your or one of your classmates will be a genius scientist someday and create a medicine or an invention that can make people nice.