Friday, May 15, 2009

The Babysitters Club

I am now reading the book Baby Sitters Club by Raina Telgemeir. This book is about a group of girls who baby-sit other kids. There names are Kristy (the leader) Claudia ( the organizer) Mary Anne( the one who works with the phone) and a new comer Stacy. Stacy has Diabetes and has a doctors appointment almost every day. She hates having diabetes because that is the whole reason she moved. It all started when in New york her hometown. She and Liane (her best friend) always went to the ice cream shop to get ice cream and all these other kind of sweets! Later Stacey feels really sick and she had to go to the emergency room! Stacey figured out that she had diabetes, and after that she got ALL the attention and after that day Liane never talked to Stacy. Stacy's mom told her it would best for her if she make a fresh new start and move to Stoneybrook Connecticut. That is how Stacy ends up in the BSC. This book is really interesting because it is a comic kind of book and it is just awesome to get to see the pictures so that you can get a visualization of the book more better

Connection: When I was babysitting my baby cousin over his house he was a really big pain but I didnt really want to tell him because he would begin to cry and that made him even more annoying!

Reaction: My reaction while I was reading this book was surprised that a Friend would be so jealous of there best friend

Opinion: In my opinion I think Stacy is way too laid back and she doesn't really talk that much

Prediction: I predict that Stacy's friends will figure out her secret sooner or later and get mad that she didn't tell them

Question: Why is Stacy always so depressed so much now?


1 comment:

Ms. English said...


Once again, an outstanding post! :) Yeah! Thank you for including so much of the CROP QV into your reading response. Why do you think Laine stopped talking to Stacy? How would you feel if that happened to you?