Monday, March 16, 2009

Helping You Format your Post!

Here are some stuff to remind you about when making a post....

When you are done to click "Publish Post"
If you dont click Publish Post, it will never appear on the blog.

Save Now
If you have to go somewhere... click Save Now and it will be saved, when you want to continue go to posting>edit posts and find your post and return working!

Bold and Italics
If you want to point something out to the class... use bold and italics by clicking the "b" or "i" in the top bar

Changing Color
If you want to change the color of your text, click the T next to the colors and choose a color!

Changing Font
In the top bar if you see a scroll down menu that says "font" click on it and choose your font!

How to Add Pictures to Your Post
Here is how you add pictures to your post...
  1. Find A picture that you want to use from Google
  2. Start Your Post, when you find where you want your picture to go, click the picture symbol on the top bar
  3. In the URL box, enter the URL of your picture
  4. The picture should be up!!

1 comment:

Ms. English said...

Thanks for the tips, Andrew!