Monday, May 11, 2009

Among the Hidden

Sorry, I forgot to do one last week. So here it is. (I will do another for this week also). The book I read was called, Among the Hidden. Where the Garner family lives, three chlidren are illegal. Luke is a third child. They call thoughs Shadow Children. He meets another third child in the next house named Jen. They become great friends. Jen planned a rally with thousands of other shadow children so that they were free. (if u DO NOT wnat to know the ending, don't read this next sentence) The rally doesn't work and the president killed every single child there. Luke knew she was going but he was scared to go and he didn't know how it went so he went nextdoor to see if she was home yet. He searches but she isn't there. Jens father comes in and asks luke what goin' on and who is he. They talk for awhile and jens dad says"She died". Luke was devistated. HE couldn't believe it. Jens dad is part of the population police so he gave luke a fake identity. So he could go to school. His family was upset, but he did it anyway. His new name, was Lee Grant.
One thing I REALLY disliked about the book was the ending. Why did Jen have to die? Sure, maybe the rally didn't have to work but she didn't have to die!!!!! And when authors do something like that it totally turns me off.

TK :]


Ms. English said...


Will you read another book by Rebecca Haddix now? She is the author of this series, correct? Why or why not?

I have a connection to your feelings about being turned off by the ending of a book. I read one of the newest John Grisham books (adult books - fit in the mystery genre a lot of times, most of them have to do with something in the legal field of work) over winter break and did NOT like the way he ended it at all. It makes me a little hesitant to read his newest book. Why do you think authors choose endings that they probably know their readers won't like?

Good job on this post! Keep up the good work!

TK said...

Actually, the author is Margret Peterson Haddix. And i probably will read more of her books because they are sooo good. They just make me wanna read more! I think she chose an ending readers dont like so that they will wanna read more.