Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I am still reading the Bearwalker. It gets scary the closer you get to the ending. so far they think that Mr.Mack is the bearwalker because his teeth are starting to get sharper. And every time you see him he is coming out of the woods. Baron and Mr. Wilbur are getting very suspicious about him but nobody believes what they say. And they are all in trouble because they are in the woods with Mr. Mack. I really can't want until I can get to the end of this book. I do think that this Mr. Mack guy is a little not normal It feels like they need to start listening to Baron and Mr. Wilbur.


1 comment:

Ms. English said...


Thanks for doing such a good job proofreading your post. Why do you think they should start listening to Baron and Mr. Wilbur?

A connection I have to your post is that I hate reading scary stories or watching scary movies! Even though it might be fun to get all creeped out at the time I am reading or watching, I always regret it later because they give me nightmares! I have a very vivid imagination that sometimes runs away with me! :)