Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Horse And His Boy

    At home, I am reading The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis. It is about a boy named Shasta and his father who live in a small home on the plains outside of Narnia. Shasta wants one thing, to see what lies north. Nobody in they're villiage has ever gone towards the north or have even wanted to see. Shasta though, has some curiosity, he badly wants to see what is there. One day a Tarkaan or a strong knight, comes by the house, and tries to buy Shasta as a slave. The father and Tarkaan go inside alone and talk, meahnwhile Shasta listens in and finds out that the person who Shasta thought was his father, wasn't! He gets furious and reilizes why is so different, why he is curious. He is from the north. Shasta gets on his horse and leaves, he leaves for the north.

    I am very suprised at this twist! I would have never expected that he wasn't living with his real father! I realize now, why Shasta is so different, he is from a different place, he is from Narnia! I am not suprised that Shasta ran away, someone who was not your father was going to sell you away and even if you didn't, you would have to farm all day, Shasta seems happy that he has an adventure. It would be hard for me to do it though, being as a kid, having to survive on what you find, it would be very hard, but if it meant not being a slave, I would probably go. I think that Shasta will end up having fun in Narnia, hopefully he will find his father, and hopefully he will meet the kings like Peter. I think this is definetily a different life style than normal, but I think Shasta thinks it is a better lifestyle.

1 comment:

Ms. English said...

Excellent post, Andrew! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond! What hints did you have that Shasta felt like his adventure was a better lifestyle? Happy Reading!