Monday, May 11, 2009


Dear class,

I have just started found by Haddix. It is about babies that were on a plane that came out of no were. now they are older,chip and Jillian have been reciving letters that says you are the missing. it has 6 names on it. Now a teacher No's and his family might sew him for a threat.

At parts of the book it gets really boring but ten it gets interesting. I would recommend this book to people who like mystery's because they are trying to find out who other really belong to. I predict the f.b.i will get involved in this investigation because they solve crimes sceans even tho this is not a crime.

By: B.C


TK said...

Ben, I Finished that book not too long ago. Its AWESOME!! I cannot wait untill the second book. It comes out August 25. I know what happens at the end and don't really like it but u might

Andrew said...

Yeah, I've heard its great! I cant wait to start it.

TK said...


and im just waiting and waiting untill the second book uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh how long does it take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms. English said...


I remember feeling that way when the Harry Potter series was being published. Even though I couldn't wait to read the news ones as soon as they came out, sometimes I wish I had waited to read them until the next one was just about to come out so I wouldn't have to wait so long in between books. :)

Ms. English said...


Why do you think the FBI will get involved? Can you explain who's family might sue the teacher for the threat? What did the teacher threaten?

In the parts that are boring to you, what makes them boring? What makes the exciting parts exciting?

Full of Questions,
Ms. E