Wednesday, June 10, 2009


dear ms. english
i miss you sooo much i forgot my ecosystem..and i have been trying to find time to come get it, is it too late?? oh and also im not kidding you were a great teacher you never screamed you were laways happy unless you were having a strange dayy...i will come and visit!!!

who misses her 5th grade familyy:(


Anonymous said...

I just thought about when everyone got older like 14 and up and we all went on here and talked i hope i will still remeber my password and username!!

S.T said...

i no i will

TK said...

she said if they are leftthere she throws it out taylor, or at leaat what i thought she said

Andrew said...

Guys, we cant keep using this blog. This blog isn't just for us, its for Ms.English's new class too. If you want... you can make a new blog for just our class of '09. Then maybe, you could email the class about it and we could keep talking there. But this blog is for all of Ms.English's class'.

TK said...

we are aloud to say something once in a while andrew

Andrew said...

Yes, but not during the school year... that is when the reading responses will be. In the summer, you can say some things.

TK said...

but how come YOU will be able to still use it???

or will YOU still be able to............

TK said...

Andrew, i saw ms. english at meet the teacher the other night and she said she wants us to keep using th blog so we ARE aloud to use it

Anonymous said...

ok good cause i want to keep in touch...r we aloud to comment on the new class' reading response post?

TK said...

i dont know, maybe u can ask andrew since he knows everything :) but i would ask miss english because its HER class.

Anonymous said...

TK don't get to worked

TK said...

im not getting worked up
L :)

Ms. English said...

Hi kids!

It's fine to keep posting on this blog. I'm starting another blog for my 2009-2010 class! Keep posting!

Anonymous said...

ok ms. E! i miss u soo much, my home room teacher had a baby so i havent met her yet but i have a mean sub, im getting good grades...math and science r my strong subjects now! :) c u soon!

Ms. English said...

YEAH!!! Glad about math and science, sorry about your homeroom teacher and the sub. When will she be back?

TK said...

Dera ms E, I am in the same class (group is what i mean) with TB. Ms. coulter should be back in a couple of weeks. Math and Science are also my strong subjects. Im also loving P.E. class. Except on the first day of school, i kinda got lost and went to P.E instead of art. But now im right on track of where im supposed to go!