Friday, April 24, 2009


It is a great way to make your posts with pictures. It gives a visual effect on what your post is about. You can give pictures of the scenes of the book, or even the cover! But remember when you make a post you must give credit to where you got the picture. If you don't give credit, you are saying that you own the picture and you made it. You didn't because you got it off of Google. Here is how you should upload pictures.

  1. On Google, Find your Image

  2. Then on Your Post, Click The Picture

  3. Upload your image from a URL this is the address of your picture, NEVER UPLOAD A PICTURE

  4. Now, when your picture is up, you can click on the picture and it will give credit to the address you got it from. Here is what a picture should be like...

Now click on it, you will see it takes your to the URL of where I got the image, not a Blogspot link. If you need help please ask!

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