Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,
I have finished the book. And it was and amazing book from start to finish. It was basically about Charlotte's adventure on a ship called the Seahawk. And Charlotte is accused of murdering the first mate Hollybrass by Captain Jagery. And the dirk that was stabbed in Hollybrass's back was Charlottes dirk. Except she know that she didn't murder Hollybrass. And it all ends up that Charlotte is innocent. Read the book and then you can actually find out who murdered Hollybrass

I can some what connect to this book, because I have heard of the Titanic and the two boys on the Titanic story where they got themselfs into trouble for playing around and throwing ice everywhere when the Titanic was close to hitting the iceburg.

Hope you guys will check out "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle", because it is a great book with lots of suspense. And the author is Avi.

1 comment:

Ms. English said...

Hi HJ!

Excellent reading response post! :) How does the story with the boys on the Titanic remind you of "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle"? Why do you think Avi gave this book the title that she did?

Happy Reading!