Monday, May 25, 2009

Song of the Sparrow

Hi i'm reading Song of the Sparrow. It's a book about a girl named Elena. She lives in a war camp and is the only girl there. She lost her mother as a child. Elena learns to be a healer and meands the solders cloths and wounds. The love of her life adors her to.

Elena is alot like me, we are bolth town boys. Not that intrested in our clothes eather. She is strong and will ing. But she sences, a change coming to their camp out. Weather it,s good or bad you will have to wait and see.

Got to fly,


S.T said...

This is my favorite book ever!!! I love the author!

S.T :)

Ms. English said...


Excellent post! Thanks for giving us a quick summary and then explaining a few of the thoughts and connections you had to the book. Why do you think Elena sensed a change? What clues did the author give that told you there might be a change coming? When an author does this - gives hints about something that might happen later in the book - it is called foreshadowing. It is used quite often in fictional writing and is a technique that authors use to get their readers thinking and even more engaged in the book.