Thursday, May 7, 2009

Henry and Beezus by Beverly Cleary

Dear Class,

If you have read my prior blog, you know that Henry needs a way to get all the gum he found home. Finally Beezus lets him borrow her wagon. After they pick up the gum, they walk back to Henry's house to relax while chewing some Cinnamon Gum. As they are relaxing, Robert, Mary Jane and Scooter come and ask for gum. Of course he says no to Scooter but then Scooter lets him ride his bike around the block.

When Henry gets back his dad has driven into the driveway. He asks what all the gum is for and then Henry explains that he found it and that he is going to sell. His father decides that they will call the police to see if someone lost it and if no one claims then Henry would get to keep the gum. Later on they found out that Henry can keep the gum and then everything gets interesting.

The next day at school Henry leaves extra early so he can try to sell some of the gum. This turned out to be a good idea until everyone already had gum and they stopped buying. This made Henry think. He decided to have a sale-> 4 gumballs for a penny. This was working great until the something happened again. This time he decided to have free samples. In this part I predicted that it wouldn't work and my prediction was correct.

A few questions I had were why does he sell the gum for such a low price? Also why does everyone still want the gum even though it is getting him in trouble? In my opinion I think that Henry has lots of troubles for one little boy and I predict that he will get into some more later on.


1 comment:

Ms. English said...


Great post! Why do you think everyone wants the gum even though it causes Henry to get in trouble? One of my favorite things about Beverly Cleary is the mischief in which her characters always seem to find themselves. Have you read any other of her books?