Monday, May 11, 2009


Dear class,

I am reading a book called Who stole Halloween? by Martha Freeman. This book is about a boy named Alex, his best friend Yasmeen and Alex's orange cat Luau. These friends (and cat) have an unusual hobby. They are detectives and their current case is they are trying to find out why cats in their area are disappearing. They began this case when they were walking around and Luau ran into the St. Bernard's cemetery. They came upon a grave stone that had a LOST flyer in the front. It said that there was a lost cat named Halloween. Next they went to the owners house to ask him some questions. He was grateful that someone was trying to find his cat.

Soon there was a baby shower that you had to wear your Halloween costume to. Alex's mom and dad decided to be a criminal and the police. They were handcuffed together. Uh oh! Alex's dad lost the key. Now they have to finish getting ready for the party handcuffed together. Alex finds all sorts of clues that would be very helpful.

A few questions I have are "Why are Alex and Yasmeen so into detective work?" and "Are the Clues that they found out at the party true?" I predict that they will get very close to finding the answer to their problem then there will be more to their problem that they have to solve.


1 comment:

Ms. English said...

Nice job, SB! Why do you think that there will be more to the problem once they get close? Would you rate this book as easy, just-right, or challenging? Why?

Keep up the good work! Happy Reading!