Thursday, May 14, 2009


I am reading the Bearwalker by Joseph Bruchac. I have red a lot of his books like The Whisper In The Dark. This book is about a boy named Baron and he is on a camping trip with his classes. he is in 8th grade. he is short for his age and both of his parents are in the army. He likes bears because that is his native groups symbol. his native group is the mohawks. And there is this guy Mr. Mack. I think he is the bearwalker because he does not act like a normal person. he is big and says mean thing to scare the kids. the thing is that Mr Wilbur(baron's teacher) thinks there is something wrong. this book is getting really scary. most of the people that work at this camp are like they are not normal at all. this book is the best book i have ever read. this reminds me of this movie i watch that the boy was human form but really a wolf. then he would kill all the peple that was mean to him.

1 comment:

Ms. English said...


Sounds kind of scary! What does the Bearwalker do that makes him so scary? Why do you think Mr. Wilbur thinks there is something wrong? Remember to proofread your post before you publish it (capital letters at the beginning of each sentence). Good job sharing your thoughts about what you are reading!