Friday, May 8, 2009

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,

Right now I am reading the " The True Confessions of Charolotte Doyle". Right now it is about how Charlotte is on a ship to go to the US. And they hit a storm and someone is murdured with a knife stabbed in his back. And the knife is Chalottes knife so the Captain suspects that Charlotte did it so he puts her in the jail on the ship. Then she is tooken to Trial.

The book kind of reminds me of Judge Judy, because on Judge Judy it is also about a case. And I once saw a judge judy where it was kind of not really like Charlottes.

I can't read on anymore, because it is a book I'm reading kind of for a book talk. Hope you guys check out the book, because it is just full of excitement.

1 comment:

Ms. English said...


Thank you for including your connection to the book. Can you give us some more details about how the book reminds you of Judge Judy?

If you were the Captain, do you think you would've suspected Charlotte, too? Why or why not?

Happy Reading! :)