Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Stranger Came Ashore

Dear class,
I am taking a break from the shadow children seris and now reading "A Stranger Came Ashore." The storys about a family and they live near a stream and a man named Finn Learson come's along and claims that he survied a shipwreak during a bad storm. Old da and the family let Finn Learson stay at there house and live with them, and in return Finn Learson gives them a rare gold coin.
Later on in the story Old da dies of old age and right before he died he told Robbie his youngest grandson not to trust Finn Learson. At Old Da's grave the family has a tradition of laying the dead body on a straw bed and burn the bed and a foot print shows after the flames die out and the foot print tells which member of the fmaily is next to die. The foot print is Elspeth's, she's Robbie's older sister. Elspeth is very upset!
Robbie is trying too figure out why old da said not to trust finn learson, he just cant put it all together. But then robbie goes in the boat like he and old da did ever year to go sail out into the goe and count the slekies. selkies are like seals and Robbie always dreamed of picking up a selkie pup to see what a slekie feels like. When Robbie arived he picked up a selkie and it felt warm and soft. Robbie sails away to the other part of the goe. Robbie stands up in the boat and trys to count the toher slekie pups. He falls out of the boat and into the deap water but doesn't know how to swim. Robbie see's a person, its finn learson! Finn Learson dives into the deap water and pulls Robbie to the boat. Then they sail back home and Robbie tells Nicol, Elspeths boyfreind everything that happened and how Finn Leason felt like a selkie.

Im predicing Finn Learson is a selkie!!


1 comment:

Ms. English said...

Dear TB,

You did a really good job of summarizing the book you were reading and telling us some of the details of the story. Remember, a reading response is supposed to give a short summary of what you read and mostly explain your thoughts about what you read.

Why did you predict that Finn Learson is a selkie? How would you have felt if you were in Elspeth's position (when the footprint showed her as the next one in the family to die)?