Monday, April 27, 2009


I am still reading the book uglies by Scott Westerfield. Tally is trying to help Shay make her pretty face on their "computer" but all Shay wants to do is go hover boarding with Tally so and Shay doesn't even want to become a pretty! Right now I am at the part where Shay goes hover boarding with Tally into the suburbs. The problem is that Uglies are only allowed to go to the suburbs once they turn 60. In the suburbs the people living there are old and have children called Littlies. They have a HUGE garden for there Littlies to play in and Shay just loves to get in trouble so she tries to go into the suburbs. Tally knows that hover boards don't work in the suburbs unless you know how to control it VERY well and Shay loves hover boarding but has no idea how to control it. Shay meets up with a very unfriendly looking creature and they have to face a BIG challenge.

Connection: A connection I have with this story is to another book called Drums Girls and dangerous pie. The main character goes on a "journey" with his brother and he has to face a challenge just like Shay and Tally do.

Reaction: When I found out that Shay and Tally got caught I was scared because I did not know what was going to happen next. I was also surprised because Shay usually has a good plan and gets away with things easily but this time they were stuck.

Opinion: In my opinion if I were Shay I would not have tried to go hover boarding into a place that I knew I cant go to. I would have at least tried to hide!!! I think Shay Likes to get in trouble because throughout this book I've noticed that

Prediction: I predict that Shay and tally will be banned from pretty town or any other town and end up in "jail" and since Tally and Shay worked so hard (or at least one of them did) there dreams of becoming a pretty will be ruined

Question: A question I have is how come Shay and Tally never really get along throughout the story anymore? I thought they were best friends but when I was reading I noticed that Shay and tally became almost enemies.
Comment: I think that this is my favorite part of the book because it is unpredictable and shocking. I really want to keep reading! Whenever I read this book I have lots of reactions and one I had the most was surprised!


S.T said...

I'm sorry this is so long but there was so much I had to say about it!!!

Ms. English said...

EXCELLENT job, ST! Wow! So, why do you think Tally and Shay are starting to argue? Why do you think Shay doesn't want to become a pretty?