Monday, April 20, 2009

The Witches

Dear Class,
Last week I was talking about the beginning of "The Witches". And now I will be talking about the second kind of part of the book. The little boy is hiding behind a screen and the witches are having their little meeting. Then when the meeting is released of how to get rid of children by turning them into mice. The Grand High Witch then all of a sudden smells the little boy and he comes face to face with t he Grand High Witch her self.

A connection I have with this is I have came face to face with a really mean person and by the way the author described how he felt I think I have really felt exactly how he has felt. And doesn't feel good.

I also have a question for the book is if the witches are a whole family of mean evil people? That would be horrible.

I hope of what I have told you is still wanting you to read this book. I'll be here next week with another update of the book. See ya next time!


1 comment:

Ms. English said...

HJ - Thanks for giving a short summary of what you've read so far AND for connecting and questioning! How did you feel when you came face to face with someone who was really mean? Why do you think you felt that way? I've never come face-to-face with someone really mean before but I have come face-to-face with someone I was hiding from! It was startling, to say the least! Keep up the good work on your blogs!