Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Witches

Dear Class,
Right now I'm reading a very interesting book called "The Witches". It all starts out when a little boys mom and dad die in a car accident. So he then goes and lives with his grandma. She talks to him alot about witches, and how they always want to get rid of children and disguise them selfs as ordinary women. Then, for the summer they went to go to a hotel, and the little boy discovers that there are witches living in his hotel.

One connection I have with the book is that one time while I was shopping with my older sister and I told her that I saw a witch in the bathroom and, I showed her, her and she still didn't belive that she was a witch. So the whole time we were shopping I was so scared that a witch would jump out and scare me.

Also during Halloween I went to a party and we watched a movie and it was about witches getting younger and getting rid of kids which is just like the book. Maybe the movie got the idea from the book?

I also wonder, how old witches can live up to? Like can they use special powers and get younger?

I hope from what I have wrote it will make you also want to read this book. And make you wonder more about the book. And besides what I have wrote there are so much more details that are part of the book that make it so much more interesting. Happy Reading!



Anonymous said...

AWESOME! i like it HJ

S.T said...

Nice Job H.J

S.T :)

Ms. English said...


Nice job. Thank you for connecting to the book so well. Have you finished this book yet? Would you read another book by this author? Why or why not?

Sometimes, I think that a lot of the plots and ideas in books and movies just get recycled. Maybe the author or script writer changes one or two elements but, sometimes, I've notice that there seem to be lots of movies and books that follow the same basic plot. For example, when I was a kid there was a movie named "Doc Hollywood" and the plot was VERY similar to the plot of "Cars." Do you agree with my thoughts? Why or why not? Does anybody else have any thoughts about this?