Monday, April 20, 2009

Dear Class,
 I am reading  Ramona the Brave by Beverly Cleary. This book is about a 7 year-old girl and In the beginning of this book Ramona figures out she is getting a new room because her and her sister Beezus dont get along very well. She claims that alot of exiting things are happening in her life like her new room her new teacher and her new game of Brick Factory with Her best Friend Howie. "geuss what Howie these men are going to make a hole in my house how awesome is that!!!" Said Ramona but at school Howie belives it is fake even though he new there was a hole in the house. Henry just said they drilled a hole in the house circle in the house. So ever sinse that argument Ramona is never going to play Brick Factory again with you Howie.  Ramona became enraged when Susan a student in her class copied her paper bag owl. She gets overcome by guilt and no longer brave and blamed it all on Susan. In my opinion I think Ramona should blame herself because,  she made herself mad by thinking that her artwork was no longer her's when really it still is her artwork. A connection I have with this is when my 2nd grade class were making bunnys on a rug for Parent's Night and my friend Emily copied me and I was so mad but I didnt get mad and I just told her "hmmm that looks very familiar Emily and it looks like the best out of the whole classes. Wow whoever gave you that idea must be very smart." that was just because I knew it was mine.

P.S I cant wait till' I finish this book!!!


S.T said...

This book is very interesting and not predictable at all you never know what Ramona will do next!!! Beverly cleary is a great other T.H read this book too and she liked it!!!

TK said...

I read some Beverly Cleary Books too S.T! They are really good.

LT said...

Hey,ST that is so cool I am reading that exact same book.


Ms. English said...

Hi ST!
Good job explaining your connection to this book! It IS infuriating when people steal your idea, isn't it? Does that make you understand why it is so important to give people credit when you do research? For your next post, please be very sure to read back over your writing. Be careful to check for spelling errors and to make sure that your writing will make sense to your readers!