Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Among The Imposters

Hey there classmates,
i am still reading "among the impostors" and right now Luke is still in school and he met a "friend " named Rolly. he is not really a friend to him but he shows Luke around the school. so one day Luke and Rolly and their classmates were going down the stairs and Rolly pushed Luke but since the push was crooked Luke just slammed against the rail. and then Rolly tooked Luke's bag but he didn't carried it he ran away with it. so Luke ran with him because he thought he was going to steal it. an so they ran and ran and ran and ran then luke almost close to Rolly and get the bag. so finally luke got the bag but a teacher saw luke running so he caught only luke and said that there is no running in the hallways and that luke knows the rules but he didn't because heis stillnew and a 3rd child so he doesn't know that much.
By: TH


S.T said...

I cant wait tilll I finish!!!

Anonymous said...

same here with me and my coolness book, among the barons

Ms. English said...

TH --
Please read your post before publishing it. This is a good start on a summary but I would like for you to use the punctuation, grammar and spelling skills that I know you've got. Also, for your next post, please incorporate at least two elements of CROP-QV.