Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Dear Class,
This week I am starting a new book called Uglies By Scott Westerfield, This book is about a girl named Tally. In Tally's world turning 16 is great and not because you get your license but because on your 16th birthday you get an operation that turns you from absolutely ugly to stunningly pretty. There is more, there also is a catapult that transfers you to a high-tech Paradise where all you get to do is have a great time. A fantasy am I right.But the thing is Tally has to make a choice because Shay her best friend ran away and If Tally wanted to find her she she would be banned from the pretty paridise by the "pretty commitee"Right now I am in the beginning of chapter 6 and I cant wait until I move on.

Connection: A couple days ago my mom planned for me to go to S.B house and it worked out so I was going over there but then L.T had to come over because my dad offered to watch her while her dad was gone. When I figured out that L.T was coming I was wondering if I was still going over S.B house and I had to make a choice, So they both came over my house

Reaction: When I heard that Shay ran-away I was so shocked because I would love to be a pretty. Being an ugly must be horrible!!!
Opinion: In my opinion I think Shay was overreacting because she should have just been happy she was going to turn into a pretty and the catapult that catapults you to "pretty world" must be fun.

Prediction: I predict that Tally will somehow have both her friend and become a pretty because, the next title of Scott's(The author) book is called Pretties and I think that will be about her life as a pretty.

Question: I wonder why the pretty committee made Tally choose her friend or to be a pretty I know I would choose to be a pretty, But... it matters what friend. ;)

Visualization: I can visualize the "Pretty Paradise" I can see Tally at the beach relaxing, the waves waving, and wind blowing a cool breeze. ahhh I would love to be a pretty!!!



P.S this reminds me of Ramona the Brave when Ramona runs away from her school!!!


S.T said...

This book is very exiting its kind of like Among the hidden Series if you like lifes tough stuff books you would absolutely LOVE this book!!!


Ms. English said...

ST - I haven't read your post on the Uglies yet but it looks really great from just scanning it. Thanks! I'll read more this weekend!

Ms. English said...

ST --

So, how's the Uglies now that you've been reading it for a few more days? Did Tally get to become a Pretty? Do you think all of Tally's problems will be solved when she's beautiful? Why or why not? What lesson do you think Scott Westerfield might have had in mind when he wrote this book? Let me know your thoughts.