Monday, April 20, 2009


I have been reading a blog called "Blogging Tips" it helps you with your blog and how to promote it. One thing that they are talking about is how amazing Twitter is. Twitter is a "social media" website that allows you to give fast and easy "tweets" to your friends and family. They explain how this is great for promoting your business but may not be the best for kids. Twitter users can see any other person's profile without being they're friends. This is not the best for kids because it can be unsafe and people could easily talk to you without any protection. It may be great for adults that want to talk to their friends, because they can handle it. I wouldn't recommend twitter for my friends, instead I would recommend Facebook. This way nobody can talk to you, see your data, or even see your face if you don't want them too. In my opinion Twitter should make it so only your friends can talk to each other, then I would prefer it.



S.T said...

This is awesome A.F

S.T B-) !!!

S.T said...
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TK said...
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TK said...

Hey, I didnt know you were aloud to write about blogs.

Ms. English said...

AF - nice job. Thanks for sharing your opinion on Twitter. I know it's very popular but I haven't really gotten into it yet. I guess I don't understand the appeal of telling my friends (and the world) what I'm doing every minute of the day. But that's my opinion - I know people who use it LOVE it!

I've talked to teachers who are thinking of using it the classroom but I guess I don't understand why "tweeting" would be better than a blog? One other thing I find interesting is that surgeons use Twitter in their surgical rooms to "tweet" to medical students about what they're doing in the operating room. What other ways do you think Twitter (and other technology like it) will be used in the future? Anybody can share their thoughts with us -- not just AF.

Ms. English said...

TK - AF and I talked about whether or not you could post about blogs. Of course you can! Reading blogs is reading! And that's the purpose of reading response journals. I want you to write about the thoughts you have when you read - it doesn't necessarily always HAVE to be about a book. While it's important that we continue reading books, it's also important to read other types of text, too!! :)

Andrew said...

Ms.E- I think technology will be used more and more as time goes on. It will be great for fast situations because you will only have to text a few letters and many people that you know across the world will get that information. This is a great way to spread information to many people instead of having to call them, one by one. I think its amazing how technology has grown. Back then, people would be happy to make 1 phone call, now we are saying "Making phone calls takes too long, I will just Twitter it." Communication has grown alot.

ben said...

andrew do u have a twitter