Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hi Everyone,

I am reading a book called Scooled and it is about a hippie kid named Cap.He has never ate pizza , or heard of a weigie before, and not even watched T.V. before in his whole life. He and his grandmother Rain has been living in Garland forever untill Rain fell off a plum tree when trying to pick plum. Now he has to go to Ms. Donley's house and go to a plubic school for a few weeks untill Rain gets better.

Wow i fell really bad for Cap about how he has to go to a plubic school without his grandmother with him and to help him sence he has been homeschooled for his whole life.I couldn't live without T.V. or pizza in this world, i dont know how he does he do it.



Mr. AZ said...


John said...

the comments are sipposed to be about the book A.Z

Ms. English said...


Can you explain the connection between Cap falling off the plum tree and having to go to public school? Why do you think going to public school is going to be so hard on Cap? Have you finished the book yet? Tell us what happened, please!