Monday, April 20, 2009

Reading Response Journal= Spy Mice book one

I have been reading this wonderful book and this my summary. One day a little feild agent named glory had been assigned to carefully take the kiss of death to the mice government when she saw Duepunt a very bad rat. Actually he was the supreme leader of the sewers and he had noticed glory and the kiss of death so he grabbed at it. He got it. Glory was fired from work. when she got fired she talked to 2 humans and broke the rule. Then she went on a mission to get her father and grab the kiss of death. She did it and she heard about the mission bombing when she got her job back. She told them what had happened so they defaulted the rats plans. They helped the 2 humans for getting the kiss of death back. They got the two bullies into a lot of trouble and inbaresment.

1 comment:

Ms. English said...

T.R. - Nice summary! Next time, please remember to use at least two letters of CROP-QV! :)