Monday, April 27, 2009

miracle on 49th street

I am still reading miracle on 49th street. Now they tried plan dc and it worked. Molly trying to convince josh that they are related, but josh wants a test were they hang out for a bit and get to know eachother.

I don't really think Josh thinks she is his daughter because he acts like she is not even there. I wounder how the test will go because josh might fake it so he does not need to deal with Molly? At some prts of the story is sad and others have a lot of action like when she hides in Josh's car. In my opinion it is a great book because it changes moods all the time sometimes it is mad,sad,and happy

p.s take this quiz if you read the book

1 comment:

Ms. English said...


What parts of this story did you think were sad? Why?

I like books that change moods a lot, too. It keeps it exciting. I have read a few books, however, where the mood changed too often and I either got confused or frustrated because the author used that technique too much.

Happy Reading!