Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Looks Are Everything

       A common phrase is "Looks aren't everything." that is usually true. I was reading a blog called Blogging Tips and they talk about how in the website world, looks are everything. They talk about how when a viewer comes to your website they rate your site in they're mind. Supposedly, looks are everything. How your website is organized, how the header looks, even the colors of your site! Most people rate a website in they're head if they like it or not and they're rating is usually what brings them back or not back to the site.

     I would agree with the statement that "In the website world, looks are everything." It usually tells the viewers if you worked hard into getting your site to look great and to be great. I would partly dissagree though, if the service that the website provides is very original and very useful, that might make my rating higher than normal, and even if the site looks bad, the service could be great.

    I wonder, why would the owner of a website only have a great service and not a great look. Website owners usually have a purpose for creating websites, usually to make something easier. This is the case for this blog, we made it so it is easier for Reading Response Journals, the owner of E-Bay made E-Bay so it is easier to buy and sell items. So if someone creates a service to make it easier to do something, they will probobly want to share it with the public, right? Thats why they also usually create good looks to get more people wanting to come back. So I would say that looks are very important when creating a website, but they usually come with the "having a great service" part too.

1 comment:

Ms. English said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Andrew. It's great that you read blogs and I'm really happy that you've shared that with us, so that other kids know that blog reading counts as reading, too!

I agree with the statement that looks are everything for a website. Even though I know better, I will admit that if a website isn't visually pleasing, my first inclination is to navigate away from it to a site that looks better. As I've gone through my graduate school program, I've really learned to look at the content of the website before dismissing it as a poor site, even if it doesn't look all that flashy. Sometimes, really good information and services do come from sites that may not look as great as others.

For the most part, I think it's important to at least try to make a website appeal to people visually, even if it is simple. Great job! Happy Blogging!