Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Lightning Theif


This book is about a kid named Percy Jackson and he is a half blood cause his dad is Posidend the sea god. Percy went to a camp called camp half blood and finds out that Zues lightning bolt has been stollen and now he and his friend has to go on a quest to recover the bolt before Zues killes him. They think they know who has stollen the lighning bolt but they might be wrong.

This a great book and i can't what till the 5th book comes out in May. This remindes me that when i went to camp at summer break.


S.T said...


Guest Account said...

Really good book. I just read the 4th.

Ms. English said...

Mr. AZ --

Nice job! Remember, that proper nouns (names of people, places) are capitalized. Why does Lightning Thief remind you of your time at camp? Please give us more details to explain the "why" of your connections! :)