Thursday, April 16, 2009

Inkspell (Book 2 to the Inkheart series)

Dear Class,

I am reading a book called "Inkspell". The series is by a women named Cornelia Funke. The genre of this book is mythology and the type is fiction.
The book is about a girl named meggie who calls her fater Mo. Her father can read things out of the book and in the last book, she learned how to also. Dustfinger, an old friend of mo's, (he came out of inkheart the book) jumps back into the book and Meggie and Mo try to stop him.
One thing I wish the author would do is describe what inside the book Inkheart looked like. There is supposed to be a whole world, that looked mysterious and full of adventure. I wish she would describe what Dustfinger is doing and where he is a little more.
One question I have is what ever happened to Fenoglio, the writer of Inkheart? He was read into the book by mistake and he has never been mentioned since. I predict he is probably having a great time in the world that he had written about.
I would recommend this book to people who like adventure and mythology because this book takes you on an adventure that is fun and exciting.

From, TK


Andrew said...

Wow. I loved the Inkheart series. I agree TK, I think the book would be much more interesting if they explained what was inside the book.

TK said...

Thank you andrew. I can't wait to see the movie.

Peyton said...

Cool TK. I just started Ink Heart today, and it's really good.

TK said...

I know. Wait until you get to the end. I just wanna to finish the series!

rose said...

Is EVERYBODY reading Inkspell but me?

SB said...

hey tk
luv ur post

Ms. English said...


Great job on your first post! :) From its popularity with everyone, I'll have to add it to my summer reading list, too (I think my list is about 50 books long from all the recommendations I've gotten this year)!

Why do you think the author left out the description of the appearance of the inside of the book?

Happy Reading!!!

TK said...

Thanks SB

SB said...

im not reading those books


p.s. i enjoy writing these blogs

TK said...

Dear Ms. English,

I think that maybe she left out the description of inside the book because it went off topic. Most of the story was inside the book, but if she kept describing what it looked like it would get off topic.

Andrew said...

Rose, next time you are bored and cant think of a book to buy, get Inkheart. It is by Cornelia Funke and its a great series. Its about a girl who's father can make books come to life. That's all I will say... its an amazing series.

Anonymous said...

i have heard that inkheart is GREAT im going to read it after my among the hidden serise oh and my irst reading response jornal got a little too much summary i forgot that it wasn;t all about the summary part next time im shortning it and its going to not be such a long summary :]

Ms. English said...

TK - do you think she left out the description because she went off topic . . . or for maybe another reason? I just wonder if there was something more to it - remember, these books go through LOTS of professional editing before publication. Just something to think about . . . anybody else have any thoughts on this one?

Peyton said...

Ms. E, I think you're right. I'm sure somewhere towards the end of the book she will probably take you inside the book!

TK said...

I don't think I have anymore thoughts on it. I just started the book and i'm on the 2nd page.

Anonymous said...

i just started my book to! lolz, i also need to get more things to write [type] about the book ,im going to read untill like 11 tonight i still also dont understand why all the action happens at the end of my story!

S.T said...

T.K remember I was reading this book well I still didnt finish because I havent been reading it. I did that with Harry potter, Ginger pye and a book called Deltoras Quest . I ussally do that with long books ,so I'm with Rose I am not reading this and i enjoy doing this. Ms.E how did you think of this?

TK said...

S.T, I started Harry Potter to. LIke I said in my new post, I kinda start new book and then start another and another. I never read one book and then finish it one at a time.

Ms. English said...

I do the same thing. I have to work hard to be sure that I DO finish books, even though I'm reading more than one at a time. Why is it important to finish books (at least most of the time)? Like we've talked about in class before, every now and then it is perfectly fine to "abandon" a book or put it off until another time. How could you solve the problem of not finishing a long book?

TK said...

I think its important to finish books because then your more organized and remember what happens. I can remember all the books, but i wish i could finish everything.

Anonymous said...

i agree tk thats what i do too! I only read 1 book at a time to avoid getting confused :0