Thursday, April 16, 2009

Henry and Beezus

Dear Class, I am reading the book Henry and Beezus by Beverly Cleary. This book is about a boy named Henry Huggins who has always dreamed of coasting down Klickatat Street on a shiny red bike. His mom said that if he can earn the money, then he can get the bike. The only problem is he doesn't know how to earn the money. He and his best (girl) friend Beezus, think of crazy ways to earn the money, some of which get them into quite a bit of trouble.

My opinion for this book is that it would be a great book for someone who enjoys humorous and entertaining books, like me. Also I like being able to relate to the characters. For example, Henry wanted a bike but he has to work for it. When I wanted a new I pod I had to do things like get at least 100 soccer juggles and when I reached my task I was rewarded with a new I pod. Just like me, I predict Henry will get his new bike, but I’ll have to wait and see (read.)



SB said...

if ms. E reads this in class i would be soooooo embarssed but i will laugh w=if she does so i looks like im not embrassed

TK said...

I also like Beverly Cleary, SB. I think I might ahve read Henry and Beezus I dont know.

SB said...

well if you have dont tell me how it ends


Andrew said...

SB, I dont know how it happened but the text got deleted....

SB said...

the time on the website says i sent this at about 5:33 but i sent it at 8:36

Andrew said...

Yeah I know Blogger has a different time zone... Did you delete your text?

Anonymous said...

This is a really cool website, i like it a lot better than writing in the journals

Andrew said...

I agree it is much easier, not only faster for me but easier to think up too...

Ms. English said...


Did you see Andrew's comment? For some reason, we can't see the response you wrote! Can you try again, please? Glad that you are enjoying this!

Peyton said...

SB, what in the world happened to your text? I love Beverly Cleary, and I wont tell you the end of the book, promise.

Peyton said...

Wow SB. That is officially the best blog here!

Anonymous said...

heyy peyton i love the website its coolness, does anyone agree with me? i feel so old when i log on! :]

SB said...

i fixed my text so now u guys can read it


Peyton said...

yeah tb its really cool

S.T said...

I agree with you T.K and I'm raeding a book about Ramona beezus's sister this is a great websit I just wish we could do this every day from the beggining in the year!!!

Ms. English said...

ST, I'm sorry we didn't do this from the first day! I like it too! Thanks for fixing your post, SB!