Friday, April 24, 2009

Goosebumps Horrorland: Monster Blood for Breakfast

Dear Class,
I am reading Monster Blood for Breakfast by R.L Stine and I chose it because it is like the original goosebumps Monster Blood but better with a special invitation that Matt gets to go to Horrorland and meets up with the other characters that were in the previous book and also got a special invitation.

I am like Matt in the story because alot of the times he does'nt have a good day except when he's playing sports and that is one the things why Matt and I are alike because I am very athletic and competive when it comes to sports but when it comes to looking at what you eat it's a whole lot different.

Matt makes a big mistake because his sister put the monster blood in the wrong bowl.

Thank you for your time                                                    Sincerely,


Ms. English said...

that sounds cool


Ms. English said...


R.L. Stine's use of bringing characters from other books into this one sounds interesting. Can you explain your connection with a few more details? What does looking at what you eat have to do with being athletic and having a good day?

Why was it a mistake for Matt's sister to put the monster's blood in the brown bowl?