Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Garden Of Eve

Dear Class,

I am reading a book called the Garden Of Eve by K. L. Going. It's about a girl named Eve who's mom died. She and her father, despite Eve's complainig, move to a small town in New York called Beaufort. Everthing is dead, ad her new home is next to a cemetary! Her house is also responsible for an apple orchard, but all the trees are dead. The owner of a shop in town, Maggie, used to live in the house Evie moved into. Maggie tells Evie a strange tale about her sister Eve and her brother Rodney. Eve found a seed her father gave to her and planted it in the apple orchard. The seed began to sprout, but only the people who believed and looked not with there eyes, but with there heart, would find the tree. Rodney did not see this, but when Eve plucked an apple from the tree and ate it, she was drawn into another world. There she used magic to suck up all the wonderfulness and beuatifulness out of the real Beuafort into her Beuafort. So now the real Beauort was sad and ugly and none of the trees would grow.

It was Evie's 11th birthday, and she got boring things like jeans and sweaters. But the Maggie came and gave Evie a small box. She said that before Rodney died, he said "Give this to Eve, whenever she may come." So Magie gave it to Evie, and when she opened it, it was a seed. That same night, as she looked out her bedroom window, she saw a young boy playing out in the cemetery. A few days later she went out and the boy told her he was a ghost. She didn't believe him at first, but soon they were having adventures together.Evie planted the seed, and then they took a bite from an apple. They started falling, and falling, and falling into the world Eve had created many years ago. Evie wanted to go back, but Alex didn't , so he stayed and she left. Then Alex's parents, (remeber, Alex died) showed Evie that Alex had had a twin brother, Adam, and that Adam was pretendeing to be Alex, who was stuck, because there was no way back.

In this book, Adam reminds me of my brother, because they are both very active. I've already finished the book, but I'm not going to tell you the ending, you'll have to find out!



Peyton said...

aaaah! why dont i have any comments!

S.T said...

Very good P.C

Ms. English said...

Hi PC-

You did a great job with the summary! It sounds like an interesting book. On your next post, please do more of the connecting, reacting, etc.

Peyton said...


S.T said...

I think I will read this book