Thursday, April 30, 2009


Dear Class,
I have been reading, (and finished) a book called found. Its about a women named Anglela Dupre and she walks into an unscheduled flight and on every seat sits one baby.
There are two boys, Jonah and Chip who are both adopted. Later on in the book, they realize that the FBI has to do with their adoption.
I dislike the way they ended the book because they just say, welcome to the future, good luck! and thats it. It just leaves you hanging. Good thing its a series.
A question that I have about the book is, what will happen next?


Ms. English said...


So, do you thin that Haddix ended the book that way on purpose? Why would an author purposefully end a book in a way that might frustrate his or her readers? :)

TK said...

Maybe so that they read the second book in the series.

Anonymous said...

ya probably to like bribe them into buying the next book:)