Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Extraordanary Adventure of Alfred Kropp

Dear class,
I have recently finished a book called The Extraordinary Adventure of Alfred Kropp where a 13 year old finds himself in a pinch. His name is, obviously, Alfred Kropp. In the beginning, Alfred's uncle gets a job. He has to get a sword from his boss's office. They manage to steal it and then they meat with their contractor who then kills Alfred's uncle with the sword. It starts to get really weird after wards. It doesn't make sense because like he is caught in this intense fight between a organization made to protect the sword and an organization that's trying to take the sword. What happens is almost everyone that helps Alfred dies. He also happens to be the true heir to Lancelot.
 He actually dies but comes back to life in the end. But his best friends daughter (he also dies) winds up dead because of Alfred. And the weirdest thing happens. He knows how to bring back the dead! He brought back his friends daughter and then he passes out. The next thing that happens is that he finds himself in a hospitalin the next chapter.
So thats my summary of The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp

1 comment:

Ms. English said...


Great summary but the point of the blog is to post our thoughts about what we've been reading for our classmates to comment on and ask questions about.