Thursday, April 16, 2009

C.R.A.'s letters

Dear class,

I have been reading called the fare side of the mountain. Right now Sam has been having a rough time first Frightful was apprehended, and now Alice ran away. But Sam, thinks he and Bando have a pretty good idea of where she is going. The question is how to find her?

I feel bad for Sam because he lost so much so fast. But he and Bando really must think about the fact that She has just as good of rights to be out and alone as Sam. She also has more knowledge than Sam did when she left.

I wounder why Alice was headed to water falls? What would she want there? Ialso am wondering if pigs can really track water falls? That would be cool.Alice seems to be leaving only the kind of clues, to were she is going, that Sam least expects.

I have great hope that Sam gets frightful back. I would be sad to if I was alone on a mountain. At least He has Bando, Zella, and Miss Turner. Frightful was a big part of Sam's life. I wonder what Frightful has been doing since she was apprehended? I'm guessing Frightful has been very, very, lonely without Sam. I highly doubt that she would mate without Sam.

Happy reading,


Ms. English said...


Nice job with your first post! Can you tell us who Alice is? So far, do you like this book or My Side of the Mountain better? Why? If you could change anything about the way Jean Craighead George writes, what would you change and why? One last question, why do you think Ms. George uses the word "apprehended"? :)

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

nice job careligh im going to have to read the book! i have soo many books i want to read now lolz

rose said...

***********************************************Alice is Sam's sister.I like My side of the mountain better because he jut learns some thing new on every page! I think He uses it so it will sound more realistic!Iwould not change its setup!

rose said...

I just finished the boobk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms. English said...

Yeah!!! Good job!!!