Saturday, April 18, 2009

(Book one) FOUND

Dear "Everyone",
This might sound weird, but, the book I'm reading is about these two boys who were adopted, now this is the catch. Thirteen years after they were adopted they started getting these creepy letters that said stuff like,"YOU ARE ONE OF THE MISSING." and,"WE"RE COMING TO GET YOU." So they try to find out who is sending all these letters, and why. Then, they get a chance to talk to someone who works for the FBI. But, this guy won't spill the beans about all that stuff, and something weird about the boys' adoption. Finally, the two boys get in touch with someone who might know something. She had said, thirteen years back, I worked for an airport. One day, there was a flight, unaccounted for. Her boss told her to go check it. When she went in the plain, the cabin was all dark. There was no captin. She heard a cry, so she turned on the lights. She looked to every seat. In each one sat a baby. . . . . . .



TK said...

LM, I have been wanting to read that book. If its a library book, can I have it after you?

S.T said...

T.B talks about this book all the time I think I'm going to start reading it!!!

Ms. English said...

Sounds kind of creepy! LM, excellent job summarizing the book! Don't forget to include your thoughts about the book in your post! If you need some suggestions, read my "Reading Response Blogs" post.

LM said...

thanks ms.e for reminding me. though i might forget!