Monday, April 20, 2009

Amoung The Imposters

Hey there Class,I am reading a book called "Among the Impostors". It is by a brilliant author named Margret Peterson Haddix.In this story there is a boy named Luke and he is the 3rd child in his family, in his city having a 3rd child is illegal and can cause death DA-DA-DA(dramatic music). Luke is now starting his first day of school and everyone else started school before him. He is taking to his school by Jen's father because his dad was busy.
PS. i just started reading the book so it is pretty short.


S.T said...
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S.T said...

awesome description

S.T said...

I htink I want to read this book!!!

TK said...

When L. M is done with her library book, I am soooo gonna start the series.

Ms. English said...

Good description, TH! Please don't forget to also include your thoughts about the book! This author sounds like a very interesting writer. Why do you think she is so popular with our class?