Thursday, April 16, 2009

among the betrayed

dear ms. E, I have just started the third book of the series among the hidden. The author is Margaret Peterson Haddix. By far she is my FAVORITE author, The series is about Luke a third child and they live on a farm and he hides in the attic since he's a third child and the goverment made a law that you can only have two kids because there isn't enoght food.
Then one day workers come out and tear down the woods in Luke's backyard, there going to bulid a neightborhood for barons [ rich people ] and Luke is no where near being a baron, LUke's sitting in his attic and looks out the window and see's a girl's face in the atic of one of the Barons house's, its a third child, So luke gets up the nerve to go run/sprint to the girl's house na dbreak's in. They become good friends and the girl named Jen plans a rally to gather up a bunch of third childen to go to the presidents house and demand to be free, well Luke is wayyy to scared to go so Jen and a lot of other third children leave for washigton DC and nobodys parents know, not even Jen's and she's the leader of the rally. Luke finds out when he visits Jens house again after the rally that all the third kids got shot and were dead luke was devastated. He gets a fake id from jens dad and goes to a baron school for boys pretending to be lee grant. He meets a bunch of other third children and one of the not so called third child works for the population police but Luke and all the others didnt know in stead of Luke and the other third children getting turned in Jason the one that works for the population police gets arrested same with Nina another girl at the school next door to the all boy scholl gets turned in and now im reading the third book and its talking about Nina being in the jail room im predicting luke will come save her from jail because Nina didnt do anything wrong. Im sooo exited to keep reading on in the book among the betrayed. im also predicting the book got its named because Jason betrayed Nina and all the other third children but only Nina got caught and put into jail witch in my opinion isnt fair,i havent found out yet if she betrayed luke and the other third kids at the all boy school. Im predicting nina didnt do anything but margaret haddix always puts a suprising twist to everything. when i read the part when nina got betrayed and put in jail because jason her love turned her in HER OWN BOYFRIEND! i was sooo suprised and confused, i was like her own boyfriend. Also i could just picture nina sitting in the jail room hanging on the wall to die. Luke had asked the woner of the school and jens dad what they would do to nina and they said it would be better not to know, witch made me predict something cool and suprising going to happen and nina's going to get close to dieing but i think shes going to get out and jason will somehow get luke and the toher third children in but nina will save him and luke and nina will fall in love and jason will be in jail, even though he works for the population police. I cant wait to find out what happens
your student ,


Anonymous said...

sorry that the summary part is soo lon gi get out of hand i dont really have time to re-do it but im going to make it better next week :]

Ms. English said...


Thanks for self-checking about the summary! That's a great habit to develop - self-checking. What do you think about the practice of hiding the third child? How would things be different for us if that was still the law now?

TK said...

TB, U read through that series so fast! IS this like, your fave series?

Anonymous said...

dear ms. E,
i think the practice of hiding for third children is almost a good think so if they ever have to hide like luke has to all the time from jason and if that was still the law lots and lots of people would be hiding or dead

Anonymous said...

ya TK i LOVE margaret peterson haddix she's soooo awesome, i love her because i can never predict whats going to happen next but sometimes i have an idea. I finished among the hidden like 2 weeks ago and the senond book like 2 days ago i forget the name of the second book, im now reading the third book and im predicing [ lol ] that the book will be soo COOLNESS!

LM said...

Dear TB,
Can't wait to read the book! [:
sorry this was such a short comment!

p.s thats one long summery! in a good way.

S.T said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
S.T said...

This s a popular series and I cant wait till' I read among the Betrayed. T.H said it was good

S.T ;)

Anonymous said...

ya and s.t why was your comment removed from author?

Anonymous said...

and i also agree that its popualr and good.... hope you start reading them and enjoy :]

Anonymous said...

im gay, and i like black penises