Friday, April 24, 2009

Among the barons

Dear ms. E,

im now reading the book Among the Barons. Its the third book in the Shadow children books.The book is by Margret Peterson Haddix, and in my opinion she is a veryy created and talented author. I can never make predictions what i think is going to happen next.

Right now in the book Lee's brother smits is coming to Hendricks school for boys. Luke has the fake ID of Lee Grant since he is a third child and the goverment doesn't allow third children because of the food getting less. Smits is a rich selfish 12 year old. Smits has a boy guard named Oscar who carries a hammer with him, Everyone is scared of Oscar. Lee is at a Hendricks school for boys and his brother come's, Smits grant but Smits knows that Luke is fake becasue smits knows that the real Lee Grant died while skiing. Right now There was a fire in Hendricks school for boys and Mr. Dirk one of the teachers and Luke/Lee got all the students/children out of the buliding because there all scared of the outside and all pretty much are third children that are used to hiding and scared that there going to a dangerous place ever time they leave the indoors. Luke ask's Mr. Hendricks where Smits was, because Smits and his body guard Oscar were not outside of the school during the fire. The princable Mr. Hendricks told Luke that Smits said that Oscar tryed to kill him and Oscar said that Smits started the fire trying to kill him. So there in mr. Hendricks house in seprate rooms.

Im predicting Smits set the fire and tryed to kill Oscar because Smits doesn't like Oscar always around him. But im just going to wait and see what twist Margret Peterson Haddix puts in the book, im so exited! In my opinion Smits is selfish, but deao down inside he's pretty nice. I think the Grants, Smits parents and Lee's parents are not very nice and too rich and greedy to even care about Smit's there own son and Smit's thinks his parents liked Lee better than him before Lee died in the skiing accident, But Luke a third child took Lee's ID so Lke could come out of hiding so Luke is know known as Lee Grant. I feel really bad for third children in this book because they didn't do anything wrong and dont deserve to have to go in hiding and i belive there's nothing wrong with how much food there is in the book's world. Third children should be able to eat and be free like everyone else. So far it's a reallllyyyyyy good book!
Your student,

1 comment:

Ms. English said...

I love authors who write to keep me guessing!!! :) I can't wait to read this series.

What makes you think that Smits is a nice person deep down inside? Can you give some examples of things he has done that gave you clues about his real character?

When you publish your posts, please be sure to check spelling very carefully. Also, please use proper sentence structure for each sentence of your post.