Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Extraordanary Adventure of Alfred Kropp

Dear class,
I have recently finished a book called The Extraordinary Adventure of Alfred Kropp where a 13 year old finds himself in a pinch. His name is, obviously, Alfred Kropp. In the beginning, Alfred's uncle gets a job. He has to get a sword from his boss's office. They manage to steal it and then they meat with their contractor who then kills Alfred's uncle with the sword. It starts to get really weird after wards. It doesn't make sense because like he is caught in this intense fight between a organization made to protect the sword and an organization that's trying to take the sword. What happens is almost everyone that helps Alfred dies. He also happens to be the true heir to Lancelot.
 He actually dies but comes back to life in the end. But his best friends daughter (he also dies) winds up dead because of Alfred. And the weirdest thing happens. He knows how to bring back the dead! He brought back his friends daughter and then he passes out. The next thing that happens is that he finds himself in a hospitalin the next chapter.
So thats my summary of The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp

among the barons

dear class,
Im almost done with my book Among the barons... his fake parents, his fake ID's parents want Luke to go back in hidding, luke doesnt know what to do and the grants and really powerful barons. Luke is thinking about maybe trying to escape and he has just decided that he doesnt have to do anyting the Grants tell him to do.

Im longing to see what new idea Luke will try out this time and how Haddix will put her interesting twist to my predictions. I really wasn't predicting the Grants would want Luke to either follow every comand they think of or go back in hidding. I feel really bad for luke, it reminds me ohf when i have to make hard decisons, i know how it feels.



Dear Class,
I have been reading, (and finished) a book called found. Its about a women named Anglela Dupre and she walks into an unscheduled flight and on every seat sits one baby.
There are two boys, Jonah and Chip who are both adopted. Later on in the book, they realize that the FBI has to do with their adoption.
I dislike the way they ended the book because they just say, welcome to the future, good luck! and thats it. It just leaves you hanging. Good thing its a series.
A question that I have about the book is, what will happen next?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dear Class,

I finally finished "Found", and it was an awesome book! Well, anyway I'm now reading a book that is about this girl who always wears this weird hat that says PIG CITY. She starts a secret club, but this guy she really hates, happened to hear about their club. (She names the club after her hat. FYI) So a mix up "happens", and goes terribly wrong. Now there are TWO secret clubs, and everyone is at the line of being suspended for having a secret club. The two clubs are in a war to revel the other club without getting suspended. So who will win?. . . . . . . . .

P.S. sorry this was such a short response.

The Horse And His Boy

    At home, I am reading The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis. It is about a boy named Shasta and his father who live in a small home on the plains outside of Narnia. Shasta wants one thing, to see what lies north. Nobody in they're villiage has ever gone towards the north or have even wanted to see. Shasta though, has some curiosity, he badly wants to see what is there. One day a Tarkaan or a strong knight, comes by the house, and tries to buy Shasta as a slave. The father and Tarkaan go inside alone and talk, meahnwhile Shasta listens in and finds out that the person who Shasta thought was his father, wasn't! He gets furious and reilizes why is so different, why he is curious. He is from the north. Shasta gets on his horse and leaves, he leaves for the north.

    I am very suprised at this twist! I would have never expected that he wasn't living with his real father! I realize now, why Shasta is so different, he is from a different place, he is from Narnia! I am not suprised that Shasta ran away, someone who was not your father was going to sell you away and even if you didn't, you would have to farm all day, Shasta seems happy that he has an adventure. It would be hard for me to do it though, being as a kid, having to survive on what you find, it would be very hard, but if it meant not being a slave, I would probably go. I think that Shasta will end up having fun in Narnia, hopefully he will find his father, and hopefully he will meet the kings like Peter. I think this is definetily a different life style than normal, but I think Shasta thinks it is a better lifestyle.

Goosebumps Horrorland: The Scream of the Haunted Mask

Dear class,
   I am reading The Scream of the Haunted Mask by R.L Stine. It is about a girl named Carly Beth and her friend Sara are trying to get rid of the haunted mask for good but when Carly Beth went to the place she bought from the store owner told her that "the mask does'nt accept defeat it has to win unless you know somebody who wants it back." And Carly Beth thought she knew who the mask belonged to when they heard about the stable boy.

But she never thought it would be somebody else asking for it back! I am probably like Carly beth because she tries to figure out whats going on but she would never guess who it was if it was right in front of her and thats pretty much what I do when I'm trying to figure out something. I like this book because it give me the chills whenever I read Goosebumps and I like it!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Henry and Beezus by Beverly Creary

Dear Class,

So far Henry has gotten in loads of trouble like I predicted. He bet Scooter, the mean, rude, rich, stuck-up kid the lives at the end of Klickitat Street, that he was going to get a bike that was better than his. OOPS!

Later, while Henry was running some errands for his mom, he found nearly 50 boxes of bubble gum. Each box had about 300 balls of Gum balls. Now he needs to A) find a way to get this gum home and B) have his mom let him sell it. When he got home he asked his mom if he could go to Beezus's house. He was going to borrow her red waggon to carry the gum home. One problem, she has to go with Henry (who doesn't want anyone to see the gum because then they will want some of the gum to sell.)

I predict that Henry will get in trouble. Then he will sell the gum without his mom knowing and get into more trouble. I wonder if Henry will get to the point of selling the gum and if he does, how much will he sell? Also will he get enough money?


Looks Are Everything

       A common phrase is "Looks aren't everything." that is usually true. I was reading a blog called Blogging Tips and they talk about how in the website world, looks are everything. They talk about how when a viewer comes to your website they rate your site in they're mind. Supposedly, looks are everything. How your website is organized, how the header looks, even the colors of your site! Most people rate a website in they're head if they like it or not and they're rating is usually what brings them back or not back to the site.

     I would agree with the statement that "In the website world, looks are everything." It usually tells the viewers if you worked hard into getting your site to look great and to be great. I would partly dissagree though, if the service that the website provides is very original and very useful, that might make my rating higher than normal, and even if the site looks bad, the service could be great.

    I wonder, why would the owner of a website only have a great service and not a great look. Website owners usually have a purpose for creating websites, usually to make something easier. This is the case for this blog, we made it so it is easier for Reading Response Journals, the owner of E-Bay made E-Bay so it is easier to buy and sell items. So if someone creates a service to make it easier to do something, they will probobly want to share it with the public, right? Thats why they also usually create good looks to get more people wanting to come back. So I would say that looks are very important when creating a website, but they usually come with the "having a great service" part too.

Monday, April 27, 2009

miracle on 49th street

I am still reading miracle on 49th street. Now they tried plan dc and it worked. Molly trying to convince josh that they are related, but josh wants a test were they hang out for a bit and get to know eachother.

I don't really think Josh thinks she is his daughter because he acts like she is not even there. I wounder how the test will go because josh might fake it so he does not need to deal with Molly? At some prts of the story is sad and others have a lot of action like when she hides in Josh's car. In my opinion it is a great book because it changes moods all the time sometimes it is mad,sad,and happy

p.s take this quiz if you read the book

Among the Impostors

Hey class,
i am still reading the book among the impostors. where i left off it was about Luke having the note that Mr. Tablot( Jen's father) gave to him when Luke started school. Luke didn't get a chance to read the note because there are a lot of hall monitors. and he had a hard time in school lately, so he thought that the note would be an answer to his problem. so, 1 day he went outside to read the note but first he checked if anyone was looking the he realized that Hendricks school doesn't have any windows. he was glad though. he took the note out of his pocket and it read " blend in". Luke was so furious at that because he thought the note would solve his problem. then it got dark and so, he went into the school and go to bed. he was afraid that his room was locked so he tryed to turn the doorknob and it was easily turn he opened it and all of his roommates were there.

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,

I have started a new book and it is "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" it is about this girl who is going to america from England and is riding a ship called the Seahawk. She is the only girl on the ship and the Captain is Captain Jaggery. She is experiencing lots of difficulty. Such as her room is so small she can barely stand in it.

I can connect to her, because when I went on a cruise I had to share my room with my mom. dad and little sister and there were 4 beds in the room. It was fun but made me feel claustraphobic sometimes.

I haven't got that far in the book yet but still reading it You guys should really check it out. But before I sign off I still wonder why Charlotte is the only girl on the ship?


I am still reading the book uglies by Scott Westerfield. Tally is trying to help Shay make her pretty face on their "computer" but all Shay wants to do is go hover boarding with Tally so and Shay doesn't even want to become a pretty! Right now I am at the part where Shay goes hover boarding with Tally into the suburbs. The problem is that Uglies are only allowed to go to the suburbs once they turn 60. In the suburbs the people living there are old and have children called Littlies. They have a HUGE garden for there Littlies to play in and Shay just loves to get in trouble so she tries to go into the suburbs. Tally knows that hover boards don't work in the suburbs unless you know how to control it VERY well and Shay loves hover boarding but has no idea how to control it. Shay meets up with a very unfriendly looking creature and they have to face a BIG challenge.

Connection: A connection I have with this story is to another book called Drums Girls and dangerous pie. The main character goes on a "journey" with his brother and he has to face a challenge just like Shay and Tally do.

Reaction: When I found out that Shay and Tally got caught I was scared because I did not know what was going to happen next. I was also surprised because Shay usually has a good plan and gets away with things easily but this time they were stuck.

Opinion: In my opinion if I were Shay I would not have tried to go hover boarding into a place that I knew I cant go to. I would have at least tried to hide!!! I think Shay Likes to get in trouble because throughout this book I've noticed that

Prediction: I predict that Shay and tally will be banned from pretty town or any other town and end up in "jail" and since Tally and Shay worked so hard (or at least one of them did) there dreams of becoming a pretty will be ruined

Question: A question I have is how come Shay and Tally never really get along throughout the story anymore? I thought they were best friends but when I was reading I noticed that Shay and tally became almost enemies.
Comment: I think that this is my favorite part of the book because it is unpredictable and shocking. I really want to keep reading! Whenever I read this book I have lots of reactions and one I had the most was surprised!

Frightfuls mountain

Dear class,

Yippy! I'm now reading Frightfulls Mountain. Frightfull is now the new mother of three folcons who's real mother had been killed. The babbies are grownup and firce. Duchas and Lady (the girls) are slowly begining to like the new food Frightfull brings home. Drum ate it without a doubt. Drum is the only boy besids his father, Chup.

I could under stand Frightfulls confusion right away. She was raised by human not falcon so it takes longer for her instink to catch on. But I cannot blame the dad because how would he know Sam hand raised her?!?! The instinks have been coming quicker in my opinion. She just has not quit cought up to a normal femail falcon

Duchess and Lady are more fussy than Drum from my point of view. My new favorite falcon is Drum because he is so low key , calm andd exiting, all in one! He also learns the fastest.That is it sofar!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

The True Confessions of Charolette Doyle

I am reading The True Confessions of Charolette Doyle by Avi for AG. It is about a girl named Charolette who is heading to the USA from England on a ship called the Seahawk. She is very uncomfortable with her small cabin and people who act like pirates. The only thing that motivates her is the captain, Andrew Jaggery. She admires him and says, "You remind me of my father!".

I am very impressed with Charolette, she is going on a 2 month boat ship by herself with people completely opposite of what she is used to. She is used to being treated like a princess in her home in Liverpool, England. It would be very hard for me, I would also be scared because she was givin a dagger. I would've been freaked out if a crew member thought that I would need a dagger, this makes me think that danger is coming and she will have to use it. I predict that once Charolette gets used to the crew and ship, something bad will come, something bad enough to make her have to use her dagger. This is a very entrueging story,


Saturday, April 25, 2009

The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle

I am now reading for AG a book called the true confessions of Charlotte Doyle. It is about a 13 year old girl back then who is heading to the americas on the american ship the Seahawk. Once aboard, she hates it and realizes that the Seahawk is not a place for a girl like her. Where I'm at the crew has started to rebel the captain and 1st. mate. I wonder if everyone will make it to Rhode island in one piece. I love the book and kids in ag are lucky to have it.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Goosebumps Horrorland: Monster Blood for Breakfast

Dear Class,
I am reading Monster Blood for Breakfast by R.L Stine and I chose it because it is like the original goosebumps Monster Blood but better with a special invitation that Matt gets to go to Horrorland and meets up with the other characters that were in the previous book and also got a special invitation.

I am like Matt in the story because alot of the times he does'nt have a good day except when he's playing sports and that is one the things why Matt and I are alike because I am very athletic and competive when it comes to sports but when it comes to looking at what you eat it's a whole lot different.

Matt makes a big mistake because his sister put the monster blood in the wrong bowl.

Thank you for your time                                                    Sincerely,


It is a great way to make your posts with pictures. It gives a visual effect on what your post is about. You can give pictures of the scenes of the book, or even the cover! But remember when you make a post you must give credit to where you got the picture. If you don't give credit, you are saying that you own the picture and you made it. You didn't because you got it off of Google. Here is how you should upload pictures.

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Now click on it, you will see it takes your to the URL of where I got the image, not a Blogspot link. If you need help please ask!

Among the barons

Dear ms. E,

im now reading the book Among the Barons. Its the third book in the Shadow children books.The book is by Margret Peterson Haddix, and in my opinion she is a veryy created and talented author. I can never make predictions what i think is going to happen next.

Right now in the book Lee's brother smits is coming to Hendricks school for boys. Luke has the fake ID of Lee Grant since he is a third child and the goverment doesn't allow third children because of the food getting less. Smits is a rich selfish 12 year old. Smits has a boy guard named Oscar who carries a hammer with him, Everyone is scared of Oscar. Lee is at a Hendricks school for boys and his brother come's, Smits grant but Smits knows that Luke is fake becasue smits knows that the real Lee Grant died while skiing. Right now There was a fire in Hendricks school for boys and Mr. Dirk one of the teachers and Luke/Lee got all the students/children out of the buliding because there all scared of the outside and all pretty much are third children that are used to hiding and scared that there going to a dangerous place ever time they leave the indoors. Luke ask's Mr. Hendricks where Smits was, because Smits and his body guard Oscar were not outside of the school during the fire. The princable Mr. Hendricks told Luke that Smits said that Oscar tryed to kill him and Oscar said that Smits started the fire trying to kill him. So there in mr. Hendricks house in seprate rooms.

Im predicting Smits set the fire and tryed to kill Oscar because Smits doesn't like Oscar always around him. But im just going to wait and see what twist Margret Peterson Haddix puts in the book, im so exited! In my opinion Smits is selfish, but deao down inside he's pretty nice. I think the Grants, Smits parents and Lee's parents are not very nice and too rich and greedy to even care about Smit's there own son and Smit's thinks his parents liked Lee better than him before Lee died in the skiing accident, But Luke a third child took Lee's ID so Lke could come out of hiding so Luke is know known as Lee Grant. I feel really bad for third children in this book because they didn't do anything wrong and dont deserve to have to go in hiding and i belive there's nothing wrong with how much food there is in the book's world. Third children should be able to eat and be free like everyone else. So far it's a reallllyyyyyy good book!
Your student,

Thursday, April 23, 2009

the perilous journey

I did finish The Whisper In The Dark. it was the best book even though the girl in this books friend died at the end because he saved her. But this book is good so far this boy in this named Reynie. And he is going to see his 3 friends again. So far he has meet his friend Kate. So it is so weird how he walked all the way to his friend kates house for a day. this is a good book i can not wait to read more.

The Perilous Journey

I am still reading the perilous journey. Now that he has finished all his test he is going on a mission with some new friends . the mission is to get a scroll from this mansion. I think that they will get the scroll. I think this because so far they have completed getting inside the mansion.

from, McCoya

reading response JH

I'm reading kavik the wolf dog. so far, Kavik just got captured by the dog pound. I actually can make a connection, even though I have not ever had my dog go to the pound. the connection is from the movie bolt, in which bolt gets captured but escapes the truck that they keep him in. I wonder how Kavik feels right now. I wonder why he ran away.

James and the giant peach

This story is about a yong boy who has to live with his aunts when a giant peach started growing. Along with the bugs around it soon James found himself being wisked away an adventure. I like the book becuase it is full of adventure i hope you like it to

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Henry and Beezus by Beverly Cleary

Dear Class,

This book has some interesting twists. First Henry wants a bike then he gets into some trouble. He gets stuck in a rose bush and no matter where or how he moves, he gets hurt or stuck in the rose bushes thorns more. While Henry is stuck in the bush, Ribsy is stealing Mr. Grumbie's steak and Ribsy is being chased by Mr. Grumbie. This reminds me of a time when my dog took my sisters hat and my sister chased her all around the house. I could smell the steak that Mr. Grumbie was cooking (it smelt pretty bad, to many seasonings.)

One thing I'm confused about, is Ribsy even going to eat the steak, because before Mrs. Grumbie said that not even a starving hippo would eat that steak. But I think that he will eat it any way.

Now I'm going to tell you the reasons I like this book.

1. It is funny

2. It has some adventure

3. The 2 friends have a problem that the want/have to fix

4. Did I mention that it was funny



Hi Everyone,

I am reading a book called Scooled and it is about a hippie kid named Cap.He has never ate pizza , or heard of a weigie before, and not even watched T.V. before in his whole life. He and his grandmother Rain has been living in Garland forever untill Rain fell off a plum tree when trying to pick plum. Now he has to go to Ms. Donley's house and go to a plubic school for a few weeks untill Rain gets better.

Wow i fell really bad for Cap about how he has to go to a plubic school without his grandmother with him and to help him sence he has been homeschooled for his whole life.I couldn't live without T.V. or pizza in this world, i dont know how he does he do it.


The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,

I am reading a book called the True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. I am only on page 38, but so far its a really good book. Its about a young girl named Charlotte Doyle who's parents and all her other relatives moved back to America and left her to finish the school year. She was supposed to get on a ship with 2 other families but the families end up not being able to come so Charlotte has to go on the boat alone. She there meets pirates, who apparently are her new roommates! One of them takes her to her room, and she has to crawl to be able to fit in it!
I wouldn't want to be Charlotte because I'm not a big fan of ships or pirates. I bet she'll soon get the hang of it though. If I were her I would just not talk or pay attention and mind my own business. I would also be really scared because 1. I didn't have my parents and 2. i was on a ship full of pirates!

The Lightning Theif


This book is about a kid named Percy Jackson and he is a half blood cause his dad is Posidend the sea god. Percy went to a camp called camp half blood and finds out that Zues lightning bolt has been stollen and now he and his friend has to go on a quest to recover the bolt before Zues killes him. They think they know who has stollen the lighning bolt but they might be wrong.

This a great book and i can't what till the 5th book comes out in May. This remindes me that when i went to camp at summer break.


Dear Class,
This week I am starting a new book called Uglies By Scott Westerfield, This book is about a girl named Tally. In Tally's world turning 16 is great and not because you get your license but because on your 16th birthday you get an operation that turns you from absolutely ugly to stunningly pretty. There is more, there also is a catapult that transfers you to a high-tech Paradise where all you get to do is have a great time. A fantasy am I right.But the thing is Tally has to make a choice because Shay her best friend ran away and If Tally wanted to find her she she would be banned from the pretty paridise by the "pretty commitee"Right now I am in the beginning of chapter 6 and I cant wait until I move on.

Connection: A couple days ago my mom planned for me to go to S.B house and it worked out so I was going over there but then L.T had to come over because my dad offered to watch her while her dad was gone. When I figured out that L.T was coming I was wondering if I was still going over S.B house and I had to make a choice, So they both came over my house

Reaction: When I heard that Shay ran-away I was so shocked because I would love to be a pretty. Being an ugly must be horrible!!!
Opinion: In my opinion I think Shay was overreacting because she should have just been happy she was going to turn into a pretty and the catapult that catapults you to "pretty world" must be fun.

Prediction: I predict that Tally will somehow have both her friend and become a pretty because, the next title of Scott's(The author) book is called Pretties and I think that will be about her life as a pretty.

Question: I wonder why the pretty committee made Tally choose her friend or to be a pretty I know I would choose to be a pretty, But... it matters what friend. ;)

Visualization: I can visualize the "Pretty Paradise" I can see Tally at the beach relaxing, the waves waving, and wind blowing a cool breeze. ahhh I would love to be a pretty!!!



P.S this reminds me of Ramona the Brave when Ramona runs away from her school!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Miarcle on 49th street

Dear Class,

I am now reading miracle on 49Th street by mike Lupica. By far he is my favorite author since he writes so many books about all different types of sports.

So far it is about a girl Molly whose mom is never home. They live in Boston and Molly loves the Celtics, her favorite player is Josh Cameron. One day after practice molly finds josh and told him my mom died and that her boyfriend was Josh Cameron. At the end of chapter 3 you can molly told a lie since she said "I should not have done that". Now Molly is trying to get a letter from her mom to josh by going to the locker room. He was not there so no it is time for plan C.

I think she lied because she wants to stay/live with him. I can kind of connect to josh by being a sports star for my team. I predict that plan c might not work and they end up just talking to him because he never goes were molly wants him to go to. I would recommend this book to people that likes sports or basketball.


Among The Imposters

Hey there classmates,
i am still reading "among the impostors" and right now Luke is still in school and he met a "friend " named Rolly. he is not really a friend to him but he shows Luke around the school. so one day Luke and Rolly and their classmates were going down the stairs and Rolly pushed Luke but since the push was crooked Luke just slammed against the rail. and then Rolly tooked Luke's bag but he didn't carried it he ran away with it. so Luke ran with him because he thought he was going to steal it. an so they ran and ran and ran and ran then luke almost close to Rolly and get the bag. so finally luke got the bag but a teacher saw luke running so he caught only luke and said that there is no running in the hallways and that luke knows the rules but he didn't because heis stillnew and a 3rd child so he doesn't know that much.
By: TH

Smiles to go

Dear class,

In case you were wondering, I had started a new book because inkspell got pretty boring. (I do that alot, I am in the middle of about 8 books). Smiles to go is by Jerry Spinelli (hey that rhymes, Jerry Spinelli)and i think the genre is realistic fiction.

The book is about a boy named Will. He has a friend named mi-sew. One question I have about the book so far is that, who is the person that will and mi-sew played with in monopoly? I had only readthe first chapter, so I do not know much abot the book.

A connection I made to the book is that ( well, so you know what i am talking about, will had a high schooler next door to him who was really smart and is now a famous scientest.) I know someone who is really smart too.

TK :]

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Witches

Dear Class,
Last week I was talking about the beginning of "The Witches". And now I will be talking about the second kind of part of the book. The little boy is hiding behind a screen and the witches are having their little meeting. Then when the meeting is released of how to get rid of children by turning them into mice. The Grand High Witch then all of a sudden smells the little boy and he comes face to face with t he Grand High Witch her self.

A connection I have with this is I have came face to face with a really mean person and by the way the author described how he felt I think I have really felt exactly how he has felt. And doesn't feel good.

I also have a question for the book is if the witches are a whole family of mean evil people? That would be horrible.

I hope of what I have told you is still wanting you to read this book. I'll be here next week with another update of the book. See ya next time!


Diary of a wimpy kid (rodrick rules)

Hey class, I am reading a book called "Diary of a wimpy kid" you know those books when Gregg Heffley talks about his life mainly how his brother destroys it. Well the ending part I read Gregg had to help Rodrick with his science project at the last minute. All they could research was something easy,or something they already know so they did it on wether or plants sneeze. So they drew a picture of plant and a foot, a plant and pepper, and a plant with socks. And in conclusion they found out ( really knew) that plants do not sneeze it didn't say what grade he got though I bet it was a " C+ " . I can't wait to right back to you guys agian about the next series.BYE.

Dear Class,
 I am reading  Ramona the Brave by Beverly Cleary. This book is about a 7 year-old girl and In the beginning of this book Ramona figures out she is getting a new room because her and her sister Beezus dont get along very well. She claims that alot of exiting things are happening in her life like her new room her new teacher and her new game of Brick Factory with Her best Friend Howie. "geuss what Howie these men are going to make a hole in my house how awesome is that!!!" Said Ramona but at school Howie belives it is fake even though he new there was a hole in the house. Henry just said they drilled a hole in the house circle in the house. So ever sinse that argument Ramona is never going to play Brick Factory again with you Howie.  Ramona became enraged when Susan a student in her class copied her paper bag owl. She gets overcome by guilt and no longer brave and blamed it all on Susan. In my opinion I think Ramona should blame herself because,  she made herself mad by thinking that her artwork was no longer her's when really it still is her artwork. A connection I have with this is when my 2nd grade class were making bunnys on a rug for Parent's Night and my friend Emily copied me and I was so mad but I didnt get mad and I just told her "hmmm that looks very familiar Emily and it looks like the best out of the whole classes. Wow whoever gave you that idea must be very smart." that was just because I knew it was mine.

P.S I cant wait till' I finish this book!!!


I have been reading a blog called "Blogging Tips" it helps you with your blog and how to promote it. One thing that they are talking about is how amazing Twitter is. Twitter is a "social media" website that allows you to give fast and easy "tweets" to your friends and family. They explain how this is great for promoting your business but may not be the best for kids. Twitter users can see any other person's profile without being they're friends. This is not the best for kids because it can be unsafe and people could easily talk to you without any protection. It may be great for adults that want to talk to their friends, because they can handle it. I wouldn't recommend twitter for my friends, instead I would recommend Facebook. This way nobody can talk to you, see your data, or even see your face if you don't want them too. In my opinion Twitter should make it so only your friends can talk to each other, then I would prefer it.


Amoung The Imposters

Hey there Class,I am reading a book called "Among the Impostors". It is by a brilliant author named Margret Peterson Haddix.In this story there is a boy named Luke and he is the 3rd child in his family, in his city having a 3rd child is illegal and can cause death DA-DA-DA(dramatic music). Luke is now starting his first day of school and everyone else started school before him. He is taking to his school by Jen's father because his dad was busy.
PS. i just started reading the book so it is pretty short.

Reading Response Journal= Spy Mice book one

I have been reading this wonderful book and this my summary. One day a little feild agent named glory had been assigned to carefully take the kiss of death to the mice government when she saw Duepunt a very bad rat. Actually he was the supreme leader of the sewers and he had noticed glory and the kiss of death so he grabbed at it. He got it. Glory was fired from work. when she got fired she talked to 2 humans and broke the rule. Then she went on a mission to get her father and grab the kiss of death. She did it and she heard about the mission bombing when she got her job back. She told them what had happened so they defaulted the rats plans. They helped the 2 humans for getting the kiss of death back. They got the two bullies into a lot of trouble and inbaresment.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dear Class,
I am reading The Curse of the Campfire Weenies by David Lubar and it is about scary short story's that wonder around in the authors head.

I am no where close to being like Danny in the short story Predators because Danny actually gives his information about his life while chatting online and that was a big mistake. I am like Tucker in tied up because in the story he gets in a tie game for along time and sometimes when I play baseball I score runs but the other team ties and I'm waiting for that winning run to end the game.

Thank you for your time.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

(Book one) FOUND

Dear "Everyone",
This might sound weird, but, the book I'm reading is about these two boys who were adopted, now this is the catch. Thirteen years after they were adopted they started getting these creepy letters that said stuff like,"YOU ARE ONE OF THE MISSING." and,"WE"RE COMING TO GET YOU." So they try to find out who is sending all these letters, and why. Then, they get a chance to talk to someone who works for the FBI. But, this guy won't spill the beans about all that stuff, and something weird about the boys' adoption. Finally, the two boys get in touch with someone who might know something. She had said, thirteen years back, I worked for an airport. One day, there was a flight, unaccounted for. Her boss told her to go check it. When she went in the plain, the cabin was all dark. There was no captin. She heard a cry, so she turned on the lights. She looked to every seat. In each one sat a baby. . . . . . .


Friday, April 17, 2009

Danny the Champion of the World

Dear class'

I am reading a book called  Danny the Champion of the World. It is about a boy who's father is a poacher.  Both Danny and his father are trying to get at least 100 pheasants so the owner of the land's shooting party will be ruined. I think it is a very funny book it. It has a lot of good moments. I believe you should read it.


My reading response.

Hi, Im reading the book Diary of a wimpy kid 3, the third and last book to the series. It is about a boy named Greg Heffly who has a prankster and band leader big brother Rodrick, a little brother who is idiotic named Manny, and a mom and dad who don't tolerate Greg and Rodrick's pranks. 

During the year, Greg was told that another boy who is a teen who had pelted their home with eggs before went to boot camp and became a really friendly guy. Greg finds out the next day that his dad wants to send Greg and Rodrick to boot camp and join the military. Greg and Rodrick don't want that, but they have to, so Greg decides that he must before leaving go on a date with the girl of his dreams, Holly Hills. Greg tries to impress her multiple times but fails miserably.

I loved the story because it made me feel like i was in the story.


James and the Giant Peach

Dear Class,

I am in the middle of reading James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl. It is about a kid named James that had his life good in till the age of four were he had to move away to his greedy, mean aunts. they treated very bad making him do all the work. when James was working he tripped and dropped crystals in the ground near the peach tree. days after the peach grew huge. He makes all new friends which are bugs and then the peach roll away into the ocean. Now the peach is heading for a bridge and all the bugs are making fun of of the shape

I think it would be scary living in a peach with bugs noing that one hole in the peach could make you drown. The Grasshopper reminds me of my sister because they are both greedy. i predict that they are going to run into some sort of hole problem because peaches can break easily and right now they are about to head towards a bridge. I wish the author were to put more detial he had great ares to do it like when the peach was rolling down the hill he could have made it more stuff like trees and houses were being crushed.


whisper in the dark

I am reading a book called Whisper In The Dark. It is written by Joseph Bruchac. it is about a girl that a Indian pawwaw medicine person is after to kill her. I think she is not going to be killed because she has her best friend will help her. I think she knows that it is the whisper ikn the dark. I think she knows because her grandma tells her all these indian stories of long ago. This remindes me of another book I read where there was a monster looking for her. This is a very scary story but it has me hooke to it.At first I thought it was not going to be a good book because i don't realy like scary stories but the aouther knows how to hook the reader.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Witches

Dear Class,
Right now I'm reading a very interesting book called "The Witches". It all starts out when a little boys mom and dad die in a car accident. So he then goes and lives with his grandma. She talks to him alot about witches, and how they always want to get rid of children and disguise them selfs as ordinary women. Then, for the summer they went to go to a hotel, and the little boy discovers that there are witches living in his hotel.

One connection I have with the book is that one time while I was shopping with my older sister and I told her that I saw a witch in the bathroom and, I showed her, her and she still didn't belive that she was a witch. So the whole time we were shopping I was so scared that a witch would jump out and scare me.

Also during Halloween I went to a party and we watched a movie and it was about witches getting younger and getting rid of kids which is just like the book. Maybe the movie got the idea from the book?

I also wonder, how old witches can live up to? Like can they use special powers and get younger?

I hope from what I have wrote it will make you also want to read this book. And make you wonder more about the book. And besides what I have wrote there are so much more details that are part of the book that make it so much more interesting. Happy Reading!


among the betrayed

dear ms. E, I have just started the third book of the series among the hidden. The author is Margaret Peterson Haddix. By far she is my FAVORITE author, The series is about Luke a third child and they live on a farm and he hides in the attic since he's a third child and the goverment made a law that you can only have two kids because there isn't enoght food.
Then one day workers come out and tear down the woods in Luke's backyard, there going to bulid a neightborhood for barons [ rich people ] and Luke is no where near being a baron, LUke's sitting in his attic and looks out the window and see's a girl's face in the atic of one of the Barons house's, its a third child, So luke gets up the nerve to go run/sprint to the girl's house na dbreak's in. They become good friends and the girl named Jen plans a rally to gather up a bunch of third childen to go to the presidents house and demand to be free, well Luke is wayyy to scared to go so Jen and a lot of other third children leave for washigton DC and nobodys parents know, not even Jen's and she's the leader of the rally. Luke finds out when he visits Jens house again after the rally that all the third kids got shot and were dead luke was devastated. He gets a fake id from jens dad and goes to a baron school for boys pretending to be lee grant. He meets a bunch of other third children and one of the not so called third child works for the population police but Luke and all the others didnt know in stead of Luke and the other third children getting turned in Jason the one that works for the population police gets arrested same with Nina another girl at the school next door to the all boy scholl gets turned in and now im reading the third book and its talking about Nina being in the jail room im predicting luke will come save her from jail because Nina didnt do anything wrong. Im sooo exited to keep reading on in the book among the betrayed. im also predicting the book got its named because Jason betrayed Nina and all the other third children but only Nina got caught and put into jail witch in my opinion isnt fair,i havent found out yet if she betrayed luke and the other third kids at the all boy school. Im predicting nina didnt do anything but margaret haddix always puts a suprising twist to everything. when i read the part when nina got betrayed and put in jail because jason her love turned her in HER OWN BOYFRIEND! i was sooo suprised and confused, i was like her own boyfriend. Also i could just picture nina sitting in the jail room hanging on the wall to die. Luke had asked the woner of the school and jens dad what they would do to nina and they said it would be better not to know, witch made me predict something cool and suprising going to happen and nina's going to get close to dieing but i think shes going to get out and jason will somehow get luke and the toher third children in but nina will save him and luke and nina will fall in love and jason will be in jail, even though he works for the population police. I cant wait to find out what happens
your student ,

Henry and Beezus

Dear Class, I am reading the book Henry and Beezus by Beverly Cleary. This book is about a boy named Henry Huggins who has always dreamed of coasting down Klickatat Street on a shiny red bike. His mom said that if he can earn the money, then he can get the bike. The only problem is he doesn't know how to earn the money. He and his best (girl) friend Beezus, think of crazy ways to earn the money, some of which get them into quite a bit of trouble.

My opinion for this book is that it would be a great book for someone who enjoys humorous and entertaining books, like me. Also I like being able to relate to the characters. For example, Henry wanted a bike but he has to work for it. When I wanted a new I pod I had to do things like get at least 100 soccer juggles and when I reached my task I was rewarded with a new I pod. Just like me, I predict Henry will get his new bike, but I’ll have to wait and see (read.)


Inkspell (Book 2 to the Inkheart series)

Dear Class,

I am reading a book called "Inkspell". The series is by a women named Cornelia Funke. The genre of this book is mythology and the type is fiction.
The book is about a girl named meggie who calls her fater Mo. Her father can read things out of the book and in the last book, she learned how to also. Dustfinger, an old friend of mo's, (he came out of inkheart the book) jumps back into the book and Meggie and Mo try to stop him.
One thing I wish the author would do is describe what inside the book Inkheart looked like. There is supposed to be a whole world, that looked mysterious and full of adventure. I wish she would describe what Dustfinger is doing and where he is a little more.
One question I have is what ever happened to Fenoglio, the writer of Inkheart? He was read into the book by mistake and he has never been mentioned since. I predict he is probably having a great time in the world that he had written about.
I would recommend this book to people who like adventure and mythology because this book takes you on an adventure that is fun and exciting.

From, TK

C.R.A.'s letters

Dear class,

I have been reading called the fare side of the mountain. Right now Sam has been having a rough time first Frightful was apprehended, and now Alice ran away. But Sam, thinks he and Bando have a pretty good idea of where she is going. The question is how to find her?

I feel bad for Sam because he lost so much so fast. But he and Bando really must think about the fact that She has just as good of rights to be out and alone as Sam. She also has more knowledge than Sam did when she left.

I wounder why Alice was headed to water falls? What would she want there? Ialso am wondering if pigs can really track water falls? That would be cool.Alice seems to be leaving only the kind of clues, to were she is going, that Sam least expects.

I have great hope that Sam gets frightful back. I would be sad to if I was alone on a mountain. At least He has Bando, Zella, and Miss Turner. Frightful was a big part of Sam's life. I wonder what Frightful has been doing since she was apprehended? I'm guessing Frightful has been very, very, lonely without Sam. I highly doubt that she would mate without Sam.

Happy reading,

The Garden Of Eve

Dear Class,

I am reading a book called the Garden Of Eve by K. L. Going. It's about a girl named Eve who's mom died. She and her father, despite Eve's complainig, move to a small town in New York called Beaufort. Everthing is dead, ad her new home is next to a cemetary! Her house is also responsible for an apple orchard, but all the trees are dead. The owner of a shop in town, Maggie, used to live in the house Evie moved into. Maggie tells Evie a strange tale about her sister Eve and her brother Rodney. Eve found a seed her father gave to her and planted it in the apple orchard. The seed began to sprout, but only the people who believed and looked not with there eyes, but with there heart, would find the tree. Rodney did not see this, but when Eve plucked an apple from the tree and ate it, she was drawn into another world. There she used magic to suck up all the wonderfulness and beuatifulness out of the real Beuafort into her Beuafort. So now the real Beauort was sad and ugly and none of the trees would grow.

It was Evie's 11th birthday, and she got boring things like jeans and sweaters. But the Maggie came and gave Evie a small box. She said that before Rodney died, he said "Give this to Eve, whenever she may come." So Magie gave it to Evie, and when she opened it, it was a seed. That same night, as she looked out her bedroom window, she saw a young boy playing out in the cemetery. A few days later she went out and the boy told her he was a ghost. She didn't believe him at first, but soon they were having adventures together.Evie planted the seed, and then they took a bite from an apple. They started falling, and falling, and falling into the world Eve had created many years ago. Evie wanted to go back, but Alex didn't , so he stayed and she left. Then Alex's parents, (remeber, Alex died) showed Evie that Alex had had a twin brother, Adam, and that Adam was pretendeing to be Alex, who was stuck, because there was no way back.

In this book, Adam reminds me of my brother, because they are both very active. I've already finished the book, but I'm not going to tell you the ending, you'll have to find out!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Half Moon

Dear Class,

I have been reading a book called Half Moon by Eoin Colfer. It is about a Middle School Kid named Half Moon that loves being a detective. He loves to have an investigation to solve and figure out what really is happening. Right now he is looking to solve a case about a "giant" that seems to be doing mischief around town, he started a house fire, stole many things, and even smacked someone with a baseball bat! Half Moon doesn't know who it is yet but he does know someone who probably knows who it is, the school cheerleaders.

I am very impressed with Half Moon, he notices detail very easily. He can connect big evidence with small detail and get a big clue in result. I remember that one of my old friends was just like Half Moon. He noticed amazing things and amazing detail, that I wouldn't notice for my whole life.

I think we know who the "giant" is, probably right in front of our eyes. We just need to realize who it is.

I wonder why Half Moon puts so much work into his cases. He gets payed $10 and works so hard. I wonder how he gets so motivated.

Andrew F.

Reading Response Blogs!

Hi Kids!

We are taking reading response journals into the 21st Century! No more pencil and paper journal entries! Each week, you will be expected to post a response to your reading material on our class blog. Here are some things to remember about writing a reading response journal:
  • you can write about the book you are reading independently, a book you are reading at home, or the topic we discussed in one of our reading lessons
  • Each entry should share what your thoughts are/were about the reading you're doing
  • Summarize what you've read so far this week (so the rest of know a little bit about what you're responding to!)
  • CROP-QV is a good way to make sure you're doing an in-depth response post
  • Explain WHY for each of the CROP-QV letters that you use in your post
  • C- Connection (this reminds me of when . . . .)
  • R-Reaction(This made me feel . . .)
  • O- Opinion (I think . . . .)
  • P-Prediction (I think this will happen . . . .)
  • Q - Question (This makes me wonder about. . . OR write a fat question that you would use in a literature circle discussion
  • V- Visualization (When I was reading, I could really see/hear/smell . . .)

Once you post your response, your classmates and I will be able to post comments about what you wrote.

Happy Reading!


Ms. English